False Love
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Tuesday, 26th February 2013 @ 11:13:38 PM in AEST
I've got no experience But I am a witness I sit and listen To girl who's been claimed as the victim As she spills out her depression Over her greatest obsession The the influence that kept her alive It kept her from feeling deprived She did it to keep that smile on her face And leave the real pain sitting in that hiding place But what I really knew Was something she thought kept me as her fool She only did her wrong doings to take her mind off life Leaving only memories between her and the switchblade knife Everyday she pretended to act like something she was not Thinking there was no way ever that she would be caught And when she took in each sip or inhaled every last bit Her overpowering depression seemed to just quit As if it never had existed And the love within was the only thing that persisted In the end she was only fooling herself What she was committing was like an act of killing one's self She was becoming something she was not And you knew she did it because she was feeling distraught She consumed herself with alcohol and pot To re-add her False Love to the forever weak spot.
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2013-02-26 23:13:38] (Date/Time posted on
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