The Moon Had To Be Blown Up
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Sunday, 28th June 2015 @ 12:44:48 PM in AEST
In the year 2032, the USA Government was forced to blow up the Moon. They had to do it or most of the people on Earth would've been doomed. A new group of Nazis surfaced and they built a base that had a massive weapon on the Moon's surface. The Government tried to make peace with the Nazis but it was something they wouldn't even discuss. When they built their Super Laser Weapon on the Moon, they were going to destroy every country except for Germany. The new Nazis also believed that only they deserved to live, that was why they were going to destroy all of the other countries. The USA Government ordered a massive nuclear strike and blew the Moon right out of space. It was a decision that they were reluctant to make but they had to do it to save the Human Race. Destroying the Moon was something everyone had hoped to avoid. Luckily, all of the Nazis were on the Moon when it was destroyed. That was fifteen years ago and when it gets dark, there is no longer moonlight. It's sad but it was also a small price to pay to save billions from that terrible plight.
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2015-06-28 12:44:48] (Date/Time posted on
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