Only A Monster Has Two Heads
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Tuesday, 29th March 2016 @ 07:58:50 AM in AEST
No university or tutor, e/'/er taught an ant, ever schooled a bee- hard-wiring sang the worker twang in service to their queen. The human house alone confused, apple cart upset by foul design- men reduced against genetic code as women chug the feminist wine. Tools and fools, we/'/re led like sheep cracking bricks forged in nuclear family kilns; Steinem/'/s siren song carried on, (bad is good) through Woody Allen films. Foundations now bashed to dust allowed to flourish by our misplaced trust; now brother, sis, mom, dad- steps all to ruin/'/s tune of power, greed and lust.
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2016-03-29 07:58:50] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Only A Monster Has Two Heads
(User Rating: 1 ) by xHeathenx on
Tuesday, 29th March 2016 @ 09:31:57 AM AEST (User
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I don/'/t think //"family"// will ever be destroyed. It/'/s a bit of a misdiagnosis of the whole thing. A bit of removal of the labels that have developed, on top of a large destruction of financial and spiritual foundations of many people, combined with a post-modernistic //"relativism"// of what family means to someone. They start to feel less close to their actual family, and closer to close friends, and they realize just how grey the thing really is. It/'/s adapting, just like the diagnosis of ASD(Autism Spectrum Disorder).
That being said, there/'/s plenty of emotional and identity strength in a family, regardless of how we view it at a younger age. In a matter of time, we/'/ll see it as a redefining of our values, moving towards a more liberal sense of identity.
That being said, completely respect the opinion. I/'/d be willing to talk about it if you feel inclined. |
Re: Only A Monster Has Two Heads
(User Rating: 1 ) by softerware on
Wednesday, 30th March 2016 @ 10:28:31 PM AEST (User
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Many lament the passing of traditional families. Change is uncomfortable, truly.
Widows and widowers, orphans, and singles used to remain alone, but now they co-habitate for comfort, friendship, and safety. It is probably a form of nuclear family rising out of the ashes. Much harder to romanticize, but more of our choosing. We can/'/t pick our family--but we can pick our friends!
And foundations can be re-built at any time of life.
It isn/'/t what it was, and neednt be what it is...but part salvage and part new..and our fortune is to be able to build our own family without a blueprint of someone else/'/s design. softerware