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Saturday, 8th October 2016 @ 05:27:04 PM in AEST
these words in my head play a melody but not all words should make a song this sadness inside of me is haunting me i wish for it to never know this part of the world again...
when the day breaks this darkest eternity from which the sunrise has been absent too long i will yearn for that lost opportunity and for the breath i have held until then...
know my life as not such a parody yet give me credit for where i was wrong so listen to those words coming clearly or perhaps just prefer to pretend...
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2016-10-08 17:27:04] (Date/Time posted on
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(User Rating: 1 ) by Former_Member on
Sunday, 9th October 2016 @ 12:55:26 AM AEST (User
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this is a jewel!
I think there are so many
things we cannot comprehend
on a good day, that is.
"these words in my head play a melody"
oh, the completed song, the old
man might say to a young intern,
I wished I was a poet in my youth,
I wished I was a poet too, in my
middle age as well,
I never was a poet you see,
not ever, then, the old man thought
about the one time, when maybe,
he was.
Good stuff, replied, the young intern, then
turned to the nurse, does he have
any family we can call.
Sorry for the dribble, Hray42 -
I really enjoyed your poet verse here,
a lot!
(User Rating: 1 ) by softerware on
Wednesday, 12th October 2016 @ 11:41:56 PM AEST (User
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Pretense gets us through hard times, lost loves, lousy jobs, dirty diapers, disease, disgrace and utter failure.
Man is the only animal who pretends. It is our escape from the present, and a chalice filled with somedays for tomorrow.
We can dream while we are fully awake.
I/'/m sure it has saved many a lost soul.. suspended their struggle until they were strong enough to embrace it again.
Or perhaps just prefer to pretend....your final line... reminds us of one of our most unique resources and clever weapons - imagination.