I had all the confidence in the world
So long as the world stayed away
I was dirty going on dusty
With pristine knees- I never scraped them
because I found that running was risky
See, I stayed in the shadow
Wallflower, that was my pathos
I was one man, who didn't know who he was
And the future was a dream, that I couldn't wake from
Never stopped and thought, calculate what I wanted
I made bad impulse calls, and consequence? Yeah I got it
But I lived and I learned
I became something more
And no matter what they say
I look up and on to brighter days
That's what I used to scream and I'd say
What are you doing? I'm struggling here!
One of us needs to move, because we're both in my way
There's precision in this indecision, I'm cut with a scalpel of fear!
So please save me now
I'm trapped and I'm lost
And I don't know how
But I want to get- I want to get-
I want to get out!
See, nobody tells you how to handle your ****
Or if they do, it just don't register and click
Cause the values you carry, they are deep down inside of you
Take that to the bank, and that's funding scholarly
My cousin said scared money don't make no money
And that's true, but arrogant money will spirit away from you
To infinity and beyond like a helium balloon
And when that happens the face with pie will belong solely to you
It's so strange to think, that I feel so down
About where I've gotten in life, like I've lazied around
But there's nothing to that negativity that's even profound
We are our own parents, and patience is our right to allow
If you know me- if you truly know me
You know heart to heart is my favorite ****
Because if we're both honest and forthcoming
Death is a fear so far, I have not an inkling to start running
So how did I not know?
I was caught in my own throws?
Victim of my own critic society sowed?
That no matter how hard I looked I'd never find woes
But even still I cried out at the top of my lungs
This world is scary and dark and I'm being torn apart!
They say it's sink or swim and I'm the furthest from ready within
Help me feel I belong! Help me feel like I have what I've lost!
I'm drowning in fear and I can't see- but it's water it's clear
I looked back at the past and saw abandonment
I looked to the future and I saw the cure but not how to manage it
But that was a ruse- planted by fear
The women in my life were beautiful lures
No matter what they said I never trusted them-
Not truly, not deeply, not humbly nor duly
When they're not around or not responding
My conscience nags and stabs- this relationship they're absconding
Shut up! Stop it! She wouldn't do that!
No! I don't dare leave her alone to let her prove that!
I need this! I need us! I need someone to love!
Her smiles are sweet and she loves me so tenderly
It's like I'm my best self!
But it's a lie. A digital rendering
There's no humanity in either of us
We're just living as uses with emotional measuring
But we can turn that round
We can find the strength
To free the blinds from our eyes when our cards are down
And bet on ourselves and go all in
And say
I can see it! The glimpse of the light!
I want to reach it! I want this to be right!
I don't want to keep running! I want to fight!
I'll save you my friend! My treasured love and my kin!
I'll do what I can
To help you escape
But the climb is your own
So craft your ascent!
Nobody ever tells you
That the advice everyone gives
Isn't meant for who you are
It's meant for who you will have then been
When you go through all the ****
And it's caked on your skin
It doesn't help you prepare for what's going to happen
It helps you learn to accept it
And you come to realize
That for every time you fall down into that deep dark abyss
There's always that moment to make
To fight for, to see love as the sister of war
Passionate loyalty to this realm and this soul
That all of this pain is natural and all is as it should be
Beautiful and calm, the resolution of a bomb
Or the equivalent, peace, a tool of love
And armed with that fact, I retract the act
If even for just one day, one week, one month, one year
It's clear and the answer's here, the words are now drawing near
Save me
I'm not afraid- at last I'm at peace
Save me
It's so quiet- I'm not scared in the least
Save me
I don't need to scream and I don't need to yell
Save me
Join me! Let's enjoy this together as well!
Save me
I don't need to cry out anymore
Save me
I don't need to worry about who stays and who goes
It's so much more fulfilling
To keep company that appreciates
That treasures and celebrates
And deeply embraces you
And the partners who are incompatible
Aren't much more than regrettable
But don't sacrifice your peace for an illusion or two
Because there's someone to always keep safe
And that someone is you
So I'll remember to
Save me