My eyes were the windows, that sombered me, upon that fateful morn, I watched a nation, cry with me, today, I still am torn, I tried to take, the morning sun, and place it, where I bleed, but inside my heart, I have a tear, a tear, that will not leave, I'm swallowed with, a piercing wound, upon my heart and soul, I prayed to God, like many other's, but still can't let it go, I search for answers, to find a cure, I yearn for a relief, I grieve, for those, I never knew, I ask, for world peace, In my heart, I'm blackened, with tears, I can't erase, I hear, thee Anthem's sung, I sing, Amazing grace, I struggle with, a pain inside, I never knew, was there, Inside my heart, I'm bleeding, I cry, another tear, I search for understanding, but cannot, hear the sounds, I watch, as rescuers' scramble, through ruins, on the ground, I'm trapped inside, a cloud of death, oozing out with pain, Those, I call my brother, died, inside my veins,
I listen on, for echoes, a piece, of yesterday, I cry another tear, again, my brothers', gone away, I bleed inside for many, and pray for departed souls' Although a new day, is dawning, I still can't let it go, I'm trapped, inside the silence, and torn, by many tears, Some, I never knew, sombered now, in fear, I'm swallowed, by the feelings, the song of yesterday, I'm blessed to be, An American, I kneel down and pray, I walk into tomorrow, a piercing wound, inside, Today, I am blessed, my friend, I say ...... Goodby!
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2002-08-12 12:51:15] (Date/Time posted on