Contributed by
Tuesday, 13th August 2002 @ 06:30:42 AM in AEST
So much has happened in a single year.
Little things, friends moving, growing apart.
Big things, September 11, and classmates dying young.
Happy things, falling in love, for the first time.
Sad things, fight with friends shall never be reconciled, and the realization that we are truly leaving out innocence behind.
Some things still to happen, the excitement of the class trip, and the thrill of the 8th grade dance.
Eighth grade year has brought us our share of laughter, and enough tears for a lifetime.
Graduation in two months, leaving our comfortable word for the unknowns of high school. Uncertainty surrounds us all, intertwined in our joy.
No matter how matter how old, or how many years pass, always remember Pleasant View, and the four years of experiences and friendships, that helped shape who we are.
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2002-08-13 06:30:42] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Graduation
(User Rating: 1 ) by Jenni_Kalicharan on
Tuesday, 13th August 2002 @ 12:47:13 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
This was beautiful, Angel...brought back a lot of memories...
Jenni |