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Tuesday, 26th August 2003 @ 08:25:00 PM in AEST
Atop a feather float, imponderable, light-hearted, buoyancy. Only one entrance do I see. No restraints, no bolts, 'ner a lock. Hungry hearts need only knock......
A door opens to compassion, comfort, merciful leniency for humanity. Essence of Love, triumphantly, in stride with beauteous ubiquity. Beyond Glorious, Splendid Brilliance, Excellence Personified. No human eye may behold... Within human hearts 'twill unfold. A Brilliance from every precious stone..... Ruby, Topaz, Jasper, Chrysolite, Onyx, Jade, Shappire, Turquoise, and Emerald, with Gold inlaid. Intense Brightness, and magnificent colors of the rainbow arrayed!
Such Peace in His Heart! Exquisite delight of restful Peace... No word, nor noise to cease...... No breath, no sign, no conception of time. Past, present, future, immovable sublime. O' how forgiving You are....I can feel forgiveness with each beat of Your Heart! Also forgetting in a very Big Way.... Wiping our daily slate clean each day!
No words are spoken aloud in His Heart. It takes only thoughts to convey his part..... Pictures inserted in my Mind's Eye!" Understanding illustrations, revelations seen a thought explained while passing by.
"I will understand Sorry Hearts... Sincerely repent...be on your way. For your sins to me are far away... As the West is from the East. Unimaginable distance as these points never cease!"
"Even if your sins are like Crimson, 'Twill be made white like the snow. Matter not to Me the degree..... Downtrodden, burdened with quilt, from your sins I'll set you free!"
"Even the stains of your sins, I will remove for the rest of your days. I'll even grant forgiveness from all of your former ways!"
"You see I'm the most forgiving God of repentant wrong doers, For I take your sins and throw them behind my back. Where I can never see them, nor notice them. I will never keep track, nor take them back!"
"I will take your sins from you and throw them in to the depths of the sea. Is there any chance from there to retrieve? No, not at all, I forgive and remove all of your sins, permanently!"
O' I feel his tender compassion another facet, found abundant in His Heart! Hebrew verb re-cham' to show mercy, to show pity. Related to the womb or nest "A Mother nursing her baby, so tender, so gingerly, like my loving rest. Could a Mother forget her infant child? Yes, they could; however, I will hold you in my memory....I assure you that I never would!"
"For you see when I forgive your sins, "Tis this not comforting to know? They are invisible to Me, as if they never happened..... For I am your friend, not your foe!" I will never forget you, please take hold of my hand. I'm not prejudice, you may walk with me, no matter the land."
I can feel his tender feelings of empathy. "I hear your cries, and also your sighs, and I feel much sympathy. I lost my son, you know....I know how it hurts when you lose someone you love. I promise you with every fiber you find in My Heart. I've promised Mankind, that I'll bring an end to all this suffering, caused from the start!"
I will see that there are no more tears, nor pain, nor death. No more suffering or disease will reign. I'm the Universal Sovereign, I will remain!"
I can feel his overwhelming Power so near. Unlimited, Awesome, yet, I have no fear. "I use my power for creating, for protecting, and restoring, not hurting anyone. Please think of my Sun, and it's tremendously hot core! 27 million degrees Fahrenheit! If I was to take a "pinhead" sized piece of it and place it on the earth, temperatures would soar! In order to keep you safe, I 'd have to place you 90 miles away from this tiny heat source. For with every second My Sun, this Ball of Fire. Emits energy equivalent to explosions of many hundreds of millions of nuclear bombs. Yet, it never stops, nor will it tire!"
It was I that placed your planet Earth that orbits at just the right distance, from my thermonuclear furnace..... It was I that designed it that way, to protect you, If I had placed it too close, the water on your planet would have vaporized! If I had placed it too far away, everything on Earth would freeze before my very eyes! It was I that created the Sun and set it in your skies. And I know you realize, My law of dynamics states: "A Creator must be more powerful than what they create!" I'll not reiterate...but it will help you to appreciate, the power it would take!"
I'm stunned with profound awe, Exorbitant Energy ,Power in His Heart to proliferate! I hear his thought...."I am a Lover of Justice, right & fair! Consistantly, without partiality, My Justice is not Cold, nor Harsh. No need to repel, but I'll draw you close, feel free! For My Heart is warm, inviting liberty! I'm faithful and loyal overflowing with Love, I'll never abandon you, My justice is guaraneed! Is this not comforting assurance for everyone in need? My Heart is very sensitive, its orphans and widows I assure, Knowing how difficult their lives can be.. I offer my hand, I'll help you endure, please have faith in me, I understand, you'll see."
'"My Heart holds Righteous Indignation, my anger will blaze.. Against deliberate acts of injustice. Victims vunerable weak phrase.
O' The depths of Your Wisdom, I cannot help but be in Awe....... He has an abundance of knowledge, discernment, understanding. Best possible judgments with no flaw! Are you aware? Scientists marvel at His Spider Web. Marvelous Design, small frail looking instead. Yet, those strands are proportionately stronger than man's steel! Tougher than fibers in a bullet proof vest...for real! If a Spider Web was enlarged to scale, until it was the size of a fishing boat's net. 'Twd stop a passenger plane, a Jet, in mid-flight, without any fret!
Yet, His most endearing attribute, Sterling, perfect, appealing, powerful, dominant quality is Love. In His Heart Love runs very deep! There's Power, Justice, and Wisdom, but Love is the Essence of His Nature to reap! His Power enables him to act. His Wisdom guides him by fact! But it's His Love that motivates him, and we. It's the dominate quality of all three!
The Greatest Act of Love was when he sent his beloved son to suffer and die for us! A Supreme Sacrifice, a must.... With this act we can safely trust. The Greatest Act of Love in all Mankind's History was thrust!
Some Scientists estimate the universe, could be 13 billion years old. His First Born Son, His Master workman. Worked together to bring all things into being. What thrilling times they had creating and seeing.... All the beautiful creations, including Man, They created as a team. He and His Son forged the strongest Bond of love Anyone had ever seen!
His Father dispatched him to our Earth. As a human baby, was given birth. Just think for a moment please..... He gave up that intimate association they had enjoyed together those billions of years! And then His Son was betrayed, and died a most ignomanious death, like a common thief.
His was ridiculed, spit upon, and struck with fists. No other perfect man has ever been called upon to take such terrible risks! They literally pounded big nails in his hands and feet..... Where the most sensitive feelings on our whole body would reek. Then he was left to hang for people to revile and seek! And when in such agony, he cried out in intense pain.... He breathed his last! And for the first time, since the dawn of creation. His son was no longer in existence..... After billions of years past!
It was here in His Heart, he hurt, he grieved!. Just think of the pain He must have felt? 'Tis beyond the power of our comprehension. Yet, His motive was Pure Love, The Greatest Love for Mankind's attention!
Yes, He will always be the Greatest Personage of Love In any Universe Eternally!
Then a thought came to my mind, "What is Eternally Forever?"
That's when I saw a tiny little sparrow fly to the Florida Coast. He did this once about every week, And while he was there, he would pick up a pebble in his beak. On his return trip to the Grand Canyon, he drops the pebble in.....Week after week after week! And after billions of years, initiating this endeavor...... The Grand Canyon is full..... That's just the Beginning of Forever...
And then I felt his warm compassionate arms of love enfold my heart... No words, but I knew he was saying, "I know when a little sparrow drops from your sky.... You are worth far more than a little bird. Yet the love I feel for you will 'ner sever I'll never forget you.....I'll love you forever.... And I'll never leave you, Ever!"
Created by Cheri Cam LeBren August 2003
I don't have a soul mate, but I definitely have a Great Love in my life... My God!
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... [
2003-08-26 20:25:00] (Date/Time posted on
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(User Rating: 1 ) by Ilhar on
Tuesday, 26th August 2003 @ 09:35:47 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
What a wonderful picture you have painted...great write
Shari |
(User Rating: 1 ) by shelby on
Wednesday, 27th August 2003 @ 04:06:18 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
beautiful Conni, you have such faith and it overflows.
michelle |
(User Rating: 1 ) by Jenni_Kalicharan on
Wednesday, 27th August 2003 @ 05:57:33 AM AEST (User
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Wow!! What an awesome write, Connie... so inspiring....
Jenni |
(User Rating: 1 ) by venkat on
Wednesday, 27th August 2003 @ 06:04:07 AM AEST (User
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A great flow of wisdom.. wonderful write.. venkat |
(User Rating: 1 ) by Saira on
Wednesday, 27th August 2003 @ 08:20:41 PM AEST (User
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Connie, this is an inspiring and wonderful read...you have a great way with words...they flow perfectly!
Saira |
(User Rating: 0 ) by Former_Member on
Wednesday, 27th August 2003 @ 09:19:48 PM AEST (User
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ie, this is a wonderful write. God bless you, and keep you safe. Crow |
(User Rating: 1 ) by jaeann on
Thursday, 28th August 2003 @ 05:11:28 AM AEST (User
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your inspiration and your faith astound me.....maybe some day......
love you connie!!!!
(User Rating: 1 ) by inoc on
Saturday, 4th September 2004 @ 11:26:25 PM AEST (User
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loved every bit of it....
[hey! you have the same name as me!]
p.s thanks for helping me find it!
cheers! [Connie]
[ I spell my name Coni sometimes that is how I got inoc -it's back to front ]
(User Rating: 1 ) by Former_Member on
Sunday, 30th October 2005 @ 01:46:41 AM AEST (User
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Consue, thank you so much for guiding me to this lovely poem, my heart is floating away on this soft write. Isn't it so wonderful that God does not lock His doors, and if we knock He answers, what a beautiful Father we have, who keeps us safe from the storms of life and nourishes our hearts.... this is so beautiful and colorful and its for everyone who chooses the way to Him, He is just waiting, and He does not scold us, lets us take our time, yet some may spend too much time and when He comes, there will be sadness for many, I pray all will not drag their feet, I pray we will all be with Him in heaven together.. God gave of Himself, came down to us from heaven, what He went through in order to save us, how much more love could be done, and still He never hates or locks us out, He is all pure LOVE... if you want to know the meaning, definition of LOVE, know Jesus, and you will know LOVE... Yes Consue, we never have to worry about clothes or food, He gives it all to us.. He takes care of the birdies and those birdies are not tied down to a job description, they are careless in the care of
God, free and unfettered, and His children He cares for us, we count so much more to Him, He takes care of all little birdies. We should never fuss, our everyday concerns will be met by Him. Yes, no need to worry, read Matthew 6:26- 34, read it as many times as it takes to understand the love of the Lord, whoever would delight in knowing truth...its all about not getting worked up about what may or may not happen, on understanding worry, let Jesus in...your heart, His heart is open....thank you for this prayer Consue... amen...
Raquel Leah :D |