Therefore upon your eyes of sorrow, where your laughter, one I borrowed, shall not you cry, so many tears, nor speak of death, as now a fear, In those years, in which he made, not many had, so much to say, speak not of me, as being good, for I to sinned, as human's would, Be it I, whom has been called, to live upstairs, should I now ball, mercy on that day, I asked, Our Savior's home, took me at last, he placed his hands, upon my soul, cleansed my spirit, today I'm whole, Be my soul, I tie to him, shall no evil ever win, my spirit now, is flying free, shall I share, my life with thee, Be not your heart, in which I break, shall not a tear, drip down your face, shall those years, take you through time, must now, my temple, be left behind, Today my love, I must depart, shall no other, take my part, be now humble, if you will, my temple now, forever still, My soul I handed, to the Lord, now his mercy, I endore, may you find, the golden sun, and understand, I've just begun, It was not evil, that I saw, but the love of God, in which, I aw' by our master's love, I stand, be it you, that needs a hand, If you grieve, as I rest, just remember, I've tried my best, Therefore my love, if you must cry, wipe those tears, and say ..... Good-by!
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2002-08-15 06:44:04] (Date/Time posted on