A Dragon Flies
Contributed by
Saturday, 13th September 2003 @ 10:45:00 AM in AEST
A dragon flies Over the trees Over the lakes and fields A symphony of strength A sleek reptile
A dragon flies Above its prey As it swoops down It lets out a burst Of blasting orange flame
A dragon flies near its cave Filled with treasures Beyond compare It hoards its things Received from ill-gotten gain
A dragon flies Hunted by men The protector of men, The killer of men A thief, a murderer, a guardian, a reptile
A dragon flies Rarer than rare Seen yet not seen For we are blind And no longer believe The reality of such a wondrous creature
A dragon flies Gazed at by children Ignored by adults Seen by the young, Invisible to the old In way extinct, Yet existing
A dragon flies The last of its kind The rest killed off By men and machine Its time will come Never more For it is above us In the night sky Seen by most Within the stars
A dragon flies A constellation Living yet not, Seeing but not, Made up of stars, It forever flies Within the night sky
A dragon flies Forever flying Within the night sky
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2003-09-13 10:45:00] (Date/Time posted on
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