A Culture of Hate.
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Thursday, 18th September 2003 @ 04:25:00 AM in AEST
A CULTURE OF HATE(Peter Sprenkeler)
It festers and growsin the schools it is taught, Souls there are soldand hatred is bought. From a young age hatred is well implanted, From the cauldron of evilin the schools is decanted.
Indoctrination is high on the agendas of teaching, To hate another raceis the point of much preaching. And the young so vulnerablethey too now victims of hate, Taught from so earlypassions will never abate.
A sad scenarioa child robbed of humanity, Bred to hatea situation of total profanity. They will be the inheritors of the next generation, Knowing nothing but hate for a neighboring nation.
Slogans are daubed on the classroom walls, Hoping misfortune on their enemy falls. And when deaths occur in the enemy's ranks, They bow to their Godin reverent thanks.
Such is the dilemmaangst and aggression compounded, On these foundationshopes for peace are confounded. It is not for a moment the children whom are at fault, It is the adultstheir hearts securely locked in Satan's vault.
He has them blindedhate is all they can see, And so it will be alsofor innocent prodigy. And so goes the cyclea culture of hate, And until Satan is evictedwill never abate.
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2003-09-18 04:25:00] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: A Culture of Hate.
(User Rating: 1 ) by Wrybod on
Thursday, 15th January 2004 @ 04:46:43 AM AEST (User
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I unreservedly stand in awe of your poetic skill. This is only the second poem of yours I've read and it is like an oasis in the desert .
That said, I think it tends to be a precision attack on a carefully chosen target. It does an excellent demolition job but suppose it is the wrong target.
You are right in your second verse.......
It is ihe very church or churches (religions) that have over the centuaries and
even today, been responsible for more conflict and grief than anything else.
I do not challenge the existence of God, that would be to fall into the very trap I am trying to escape......but it is Mans' parochial, ( ours is the one true God ) condition that is the cancer. A point well made in your poem.
I think you make a mistake in introducing Satan. He is more a creation of the church
than a reality.