Where I belong
Contributed by
Sunday, 28th September 2003 @ 02:05:00 AM in AEST
So my clock will continue to tick, While the seconds seem like days, And the hours seem to be the years, But years of remembrance, Of a life so far from today, So alien to my heart, That fails to sway In the direction that its pulled, By the sound of some distant voice That echoes in my ear
It is so far away, that world So far into the Used-To-Be, Where water was once clear, And these seconds were so dear, And She would listen, But no longer, To words that build bridges, That ford the river, That connect the two banks, And make me complete
I want to be like that, Like that which blessed the past, By that which brought light to dark, That trapped what little rays The sun chose to present
In the time when simplicity Brought happiness, And bliss was to be attained At the Alter that crumbles now; In the time when An afternoon drive solved All, And all was nothing, Or small enough to mean As much.
Blessed is the sound! That is it; The sound that instructs, That listens, That gives so much. The sound that permeates Through the darkest corridors Of this soul, That pierces through Thorny walls and Undergrowth that keep The gates closed
The key to that great secrecy, Though held by warm hands, May rust still
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2003-09-28 02:05:00] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Where I belong
(User Rating: 1 ) by Dragons_Of_Rose on
Sunday, 28th September 2003 @ 05:23:40 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
Very nice, enjoyed the read. |
Re: Where I belong
(User Rating: 1 ) by painted_echos on
Monday, 29th September 2003 @ 01:25:20 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
this is sad, i can relate to the yearning in your poem, though not for what once was, but for what almost was. good write. |
Re: Where I belong
(User Rating: 1 ) by Former_Member on
Tuesday, 9th March 2004 @ 08:04:12 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
Impressive reflection, emotionally relayed.
Good work. |