Shaking in the pouring rains, I find myself soaked, pains in my soul .... so deep, I can't raise my head, nor lift a foot to move, I hold a weight so heavy, I can't feel, It burdens me ....., My spirit ... chaffed, with shadows of yesterday, No music, can I hear, only echoes, screams, .... Not a sound, I enjoy, but I endulge myself in, to accept, but not yet understand, such a thoughtless act, against humanity, I hear the cries ..... from a distant, so desperate for help ..... crying out, Gasping ..... they need an answer, a way to escape, surrounded by ruins of fallen buildings, trapped and scared, yearning for help, Must they suffer, such fate, from those with no heart, or dignity, for human life, Where ..... where to go, ...... a faint whisper, and then .... silence, Dead silence, Fire ... smoke .... tears, struck by terror, a part of me sinks, fades, bleeds, Father's ...... never returning, to their families, Mother's ..... crying for a child, she only kissed this morning, Children ..... broken, they cannot escape, fear lingures over, the black cloud rising, consuming our future, no return in sight, for the ones engulfed, Tears, endless tears, that cannot be dried, in a day, a year, or five years from now, A memory, so inflicked ..... It burns, The dreams, the hopes, the beautiful temples, that once stood with us, Inflamed, with no regard, The demons watch ....... I .... now surrounded, by more than a mud puddle, sinking, covered with soot, so unsoothing, I cannot bear to walk, but I must, without you here, I must search, and hold, each one, that now lives, and swallow the sorrow, the pain, the tears, Yesterday's shadow, looking over, the beginning of ..... no ending, until we all live as one, United a world, with dignity, peace, perserance, Until then, I stand shivering, in the pouring rains, weeping, while watching the puddle, growing bigger ....with tears, pain, of yesterday, today, and tomorrow, Somewhere ..... there must be an end, One, by One, by One ......PEACE!
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2002-08-18 11:55:32] (Date/Time posted on