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Sunday, 2nd November 2003 @ 01:46:00 AM in AEST
I'm so sickened tired, Never being told, Goodbye, Or even with no good, Would be good, I would just, Appreciate one, Or two little words, To shoot this agony, Out my system, To stop, Being ignored, To juse feel loved, Once more, Or maybe, Maybe I never was loved, Maybe nothing was ever there, No love or hate, No jow or sadness, Nothing but this black hole, Wating it all, Emotionless once more, Empty, Once more, Or maybe, Maybe I was never filled, No savage hunger ever really existed, For your heart, lungs, and mind, And mine, Did I ever never have that emotion, Over the brim of my, My existence, Maybe I'm not really shaking, Or rocking to and fro, Maybe... Maybe this is an endless word, Or an empty one, Not empty, It can't be empty, For it fills me with rage, Anger and emptiness, Therefor it's everything, Or maybe nothing, Maybe it isn't there, I made it dig into my mind, And let it burrow deep, Maybe I can throw you out, Begone ForEver I say! Out of my the hell of my mind! Back to your heavens, Or maybe, Maybe you never, Never were that wing-ed beauty, Seen through that screen, What if I, Was looking at the wrong box, But the other is an instects, Nothing less, Maybe more, Maybe I know nothing, But possibly everything, Just that love is a bad, Bad word, One which dialled 911, For an ambulance, To come get my heart, But they aren't able, Too many shards, But maybe all the kings... Maybe their horses, And all their men, Oh damn it all, Back to my swolen, Deep black hole, Left there, Because of you, And your lack, No love for me, No pain, Maybe nothing, Maybe never was ever, All I can say now, Is my glassened heart, Lies shattered, But maybe, Just Maybe, You'll come back, And fix this now, ...Just Maybe, Maybe.
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2003-11-02 01:46:00] (Date/Time posted on