Death of an idea.
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Thursday, 20th November 2003 @ 05:50:38 PM in AEST
Sometimes it takes the child within one's self to actually die before one can truly see, this was the case with me. The events of sept 11th 2001 changed me, I never thought it would, but something happened to me which I didn't think EVER could. Before I'd heard of Osama bin Laden, before I took note of Sudam Hussein, I would hardly ever pardon ANYONE who said 'We have to FIGHT ..... in PEACE'S name.' 'How could it be right to fight?' 'How could War EVER be right?' (I said this in my own head every day) 'War is WRONG!' I'd say...and say,....and say. Then... when I watched TheTwin Towers crashing and witnessed The Pentagon smashing, and when smoke was choking all, I held on to my belief that 'to FIGHT back was... to FALL.' And all the people burned and screamed and I watched the eagles drop their dreams and I couldn't sleep so well watching Uncle Sam in HELL. I tried to stop TORN people from FIGHTING back, 'Take it on the chin... that's a GOOD man's way to win.' ( I said.) It seemed the right way to react. This was how my heart was then, will I EVER be that way AGAIN? I don't know.... BALI Bombing near my doorstep, Australian holiday makers blown to scrap, ('friends of Uncle Sam HAVE to pay,') wipe our smiles off, hush our 'G'DAY!' and so the Devil Had his way.
I still said...'Don't fight' GOOD folk died burnt folk cried... still I said; 'Turn your head, put away those guns and shed your rage, forget revenge just turn the page. Inside my thoughts were scattering old p r i n c i p a l s were battering against the walls of childhood learnings, the crucifix... peaceful yearnings, my old beliefs bruised and bled... still I said...'don't fight, everything will be alright, if we just....DON'T.... fight.' (I like McDonald's don't know why, I like Disney cartoons and watching baby Dumbo fly. I love what they call 'The American way,' superman kramer and Miss piggy and Kermit at play I love Mark Twain, Gene Kelly singin' and dancing in the rain, I love the wind blowing in my hair, and bikinis on the beach to wear, I love rap music and barefoot walks, science fiction,Oprah talks. I love The 'Western' way of life, movie Stars and scallywag type strife, I love dear old Crocodile Dundee and I love this right of being...'me'. )
Since a toddler I have watched fantasy in my lounge room, Hollywood changed dull suburbia and wiped away the Grey of gloom. I saw fantasy turn to reality anything was possible, anything could be, walking on the moon, we didn't need a silver spoon to have it all....then ... Suddenly with Sept 11,2001, sheer evil shone... my hero's were being blamed their brashness rashness, named as 'The cause.' Weapons of mass destruction destined to be freedom's end and to be used even against its friend. The west must pay I heard them say for the slime and decadent crime of 'Having IT all !'. That idea brought a tear and in my heart I fought great fear for I was afraid. (Thou shalt not kill said my mind and will.) BUT...in the flames of New York and Bali the convent girl that once was me scrambled for the answer, scrambled for some calm, and as the soldiers picked up arms, I saw my way of life in harm, and as the soldiers went to war, I knew who they were marching for, still I longed so much to change their step, and how the soul in me did fret. I saw them bleeding, I saw them torn, my whole world changed,a new was born. Before the Bali bombing, before I began to change, I never would have believed that I could feel a war of ANY kind was justified. The person I was then..... died. Recently I realized I am satisfied that this war.... is just.... in fact....a must! I once thought that peace could be had
if I just didn't react likewise to' bad'. I thought that fighting was all wrong even if it was to save ones own home, I now hear a different song. There is a way of life I know, it is the way of England of America and of my homeland, Australia. It is what murderous terrorists call The decadent WEST, this is the way of life I LOVE, decadent ?no...misconstrued?yes! I do not want my way of life to change. In my so called world of decadence colors beyond the rainbows hues are possible to grasp stars can be touched,miracles can happen and ones own lack of vision is the only hamper to magical dream. Yes,this way of life IS Worth fighting for YES....it is even worth... WAR. I do not want to have my children oppressed by the Bin Laden's and Hussein's of the Earth, shackled by dusty minds and dull Grey dreams, I want my great grandchildren to have disneyland rainbow hue lives where no terrorist survives.,where NO terrorist survives! I guess for me the final crunch came when bin Laden (this sept) gave his message to the world THANKING the terrorists for what they had done (I knew then more attacks would come)
and I knew then the me that I use to BE before 2001... was gone. I can't try to be forgiving to those type of people anymore, now I am sure... it's just not on! NOT on! I didn't want to believe that it was right to go to war, war is something I abhor but there is something I now Know I abhor more.... TO BE ONE OF THEM,
TO LIVE AS THEY DO...(and have to)
I am afraid they will try to make my world like theirs, and to me their world with HELL alone compares. I don't want their Grey world with no Disney with no Santa ....with no fun, no Big Macs or bubble gum no sparkle ,no disco no bikini or rodeo show no hair blowing in the wind no living' like Huckleberry Fin no BEING AN ATHEIST... IF... I want to OR any religion at all if I chose or not chose, this is something I don't want to lose. No more being afraid to fight back for me
if I have to do....it is bad to kill but if if it means saving my way of life...I will. I admit, countries who do have it all should do all possible to help the less fortunate (just my opinion mate)
but if some choose less colorful ways to live and if they CHOOSE stringent lives as their fate do we have to give (GIVE) up our way to accomodate ? (Go on our knees to appease them....?)
and if they want to hate (H A T E) us for our lifestyle and train their sons to want to kill ours all the while... should we take it with a smile? It's taken alot to make me rile, it's taken a lot to make me realize that turning the other cheek isn't always wise. Today I change my view... I believe it's time I turned on the light... and admit.... It's alright to fight....it's alright to go to war when it's ones life and lifestyle one is fighting for. And so, To Bush, Blair and Howard too,
thanks to all of you, for doing what I couldn't do,
you bit the bullet and you'll see it through.
I think you are right,finally,I think you are right.
This realization,this new idea, is against all I've
ever been taught,against all I have ever sought.
This new idea comes after a long battle within my soul, it is a battle I've finally fought,
This new strong idea is victor to an old sweet innocent idea,
an idea who surrendered painfully for the better good. Peace is not free, My old ideas are dead,buried.
I have a new idea......not as pretty but ,about time,
Well,there you have it...:'I changed my mind.'
Sometimes it takes the child within one's self to die
before one can see....
this was the case with me.
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2003-11-20 17:50:38] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Death of an idea.
(User Rating: 1 ) by ArdRi79 on
Thursday, 20th November 2003 @ 06:13:42 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
it took alot of integrety to post this poem now, well done, I thought it was a little long but your passion flowed through it. |
Re: Death of an idea.
(User Rating: 1 ) by Valerie_Pearson on
Thursday, 20th November 2003 @ 08:08:46 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
Dearest Kay, thank you, thank you, thank you, I salute every word of yours, life will one day return to good, but for now we all must stand together, war is an ugly thing but being free is a great feeling, love ya for this write, take care and god bless, Val |