With my eyes shut i see the world, The grey old man and the little girl,
Color here is but a dream, You will neber find yellow, silver, red or green,
Black and white and old TV. show, The world here is simple things always grow,
Death is a fallacy, a stretch of the mind, Here its all over when we run out of time,
A regret of greif for not doing right, Is impossible here, the day is good as night,
Fear no more, locks are deceased, A brother a neighbor, even the stranger live in peace,
Tears flow from eyes as morning comes, I know this dream is over, this world is now done,
Cracks of light shine brightly through, My eyes see color, red, green, and purple too.....
Goodbye heaven, Goodbye love, Im back to a world with no peacful dove,
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2003-12-15 01:29:27] (Date/Time posted on