Below Freezing
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Tuesday, 6th January 2004 @ 05:45:33 PM in AEST
To be alone, Truly, Utterly alone, To sit in the middle, Of everyone you know, And not say a word, To be ignored, By your "friends", And to be lost, At a table full of them, Not knowing what your doing, To all of what is said, Not in front of you, When they stand behind you, When your back is turned, But your ears are opened, And your eyes acute, You hear what's said, When your back is turned, And realize it means nothing, It turns it all to snow, And your trapped hear, In this abyss of popularity, With no friends, And pure acquantantices, Everyone you know, But no one you love, Because they never love you, When your back is turned, The time youre trapped, Twenty miles from home, Because of a friend, Who won't help you, Yet you used so much energy, Just to stay awake, To hang out with them, But you never realized, Your back was to them, So why love you, If your not looking, But someone is with you, And the love is returned, So you'll share your coat with them, In this below thirty-two weather, Let them warm, Freeze your own heart, That nkows no loner this backstabbing word, Because your back was turned, So who better to plunge that dagger in, Then who of which you loved, But there is that one, That deserves this tear, The one given the jacket, Who you believe loves you, And whom you love, Even when your back is turned, Because like a friend, You know they would get you out of this cold, And that they would never hang up that phone, Even when your back is turned, Because her heart is twenty-four karot gold, And not thirty-two below.
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2004-01-06 17:45:33] (Date/Time posted on