Lost soul Ztracená duše
Contributed by
Tuesday, 13th January 2004 @ 07:06:16 PM in AEST
I hear steps Echo Are they mine? Blaming myself For theyre so loud Beat into the silence I step on darkness Soul so sad
I dont see light Only hear to beat My heart: let her be shes looking for herself lost her aim summer chilling her winter warming
she fell in morast of promising words stood under waterfall on a small step to wash out the guilty was not possible
She walked further But storm of jeer As thought gnawing Driving her to hurry Shell be lost more Poor soul What to rede her?
Impossible lower Then higher But her fall Still closer Standing on edge Sun on the right Turns her back Theres the dark On the left
Light is too bright Wait for sunset? And surprised Telling herself: nope Headlong dives To the dark"
I hear the scream So familiar seems Touching myself I do not feel heat Soul in the prison And heaven is hell Millions tears Falling down my face
Looking for a soul For one body Heart beating Although did not want it But it has to Cos life suits it Dont you know the path? Dont you know the soul?
Slym kroky, Ozvěnu Jsou m vlastn? Kladu si za vinu e jsou tak hlučn Bij do ticha lapu tmou Due přesmutn
Nevidm světlo Jen slym bt Srdce na poplach Nechte ji jt Hled sebe Ztratila cl Lto ji zebe A zima hřeje ji
Upadla v močl Slibnch slov Stoupla pod vodopd Na mal schod Smt tu vinu Ne, to nelo
la o kus dl, Leč bouře vsměchu Jak mylenka hlod ene ji do spěchu To nezn dobře Ztrat se vc Uboh due Co jen j řct?
Kdy to nejde n Jde v Ale ten pd Je stle bl Stoj na hraně Slunce napravo Otoč se Tma zase Nalevo
Světlo přli jasn Čekat na zpad? A sama asne e řekne ani npad Zbrkle se vrhne Přmo do tmy
Slym ten vkřik Je mi povědom Sahm na sebe A nectm teplo Due ve vězen A z nebe je peklo Milion slziček Po tvři steklo
Hledm dui Pro jedno tělo Srdce bu Ač nechtělo Ale mus ivot mu slu Nezn cestu? Nezn tu dui?......
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2004-01-13 19:06:16] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Lost soul Ztracená duše
(User Rating: 1 ) by jeanie on
Tuesday, 13th January 2004 @ 08:27:59 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
wow, i think that this one is even better in czech ;) :D almost scary :p nice nice job :))
jeanie |
Re: Lost soul Ztracená duše
(User Rating: 1 ) by lovingcritters on
Wednesday, 14th January 2004 @ 12:45:17 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
Dear Aika,
So many lost souls in this world that I know.
This poem was so good at explaining the
sorrow they show.
Never knowing which way to go....
This was a very emotional write Aida
but one I thoroughly enjoyed.
One of your best
Love you,
ConSue |
Re: Lost soul Ztracená duše
(User Rating: 1 ) by Necromant on
Wednesday, 14th January 2004 @ 05:54:55 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
Very realistic! I liked this one, also very original!
I hear the scream
So familiar seems
Touching myself
I do not feel heat
Soul in the prison
And heaven is hell
Millions tears
Falling down my face
Anne :D |
Re: Lost soul Ztracená duše
(User Rating: 1 ) by Puppy_dog_eyes on
Thursday, 15th January 2004 @ 05:02:32 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
I think we are all lost souls in some way Aika...different reasons for different people.
One thing is sure, your work is not lost in here, it truly has a home !!
steve x |
Re: Lost soul Ztracená duše
(User Rating: 1 ) by Cobalt on
Monday, 26th January 2004 @ 12:03:20 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
That was damn good. Incredibly write. I loved every word and line. |