THE STORY...SO FAR (Lee-Smith)
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Tuesday, 10th February 2004 @ 09:12:30 PM in AEST
Someone said to me yesterday it's gonna happen soon enough, But how long? I've nearly given up,
Well ***** you all, with your theories, About what's wrong with me, I know what's wrong with me, I need love, I'm just like you, Maybe not as insensitive, But I know what I want and know what I need, And there's no wrong way to go about it,
How does no one see that I want love? Maybe they look but they don't see, Surely they must realise, when I tell them my ideal, Am I doomed to go on this way forever? Do they ignore the truth that's as plain as the nose on their face?
Please don't hesitate, You don't have to wait, it's never too late, I'm ready and I'm waiting,
I get angry at love 'cause I can't obtain it, When was my life ever sane? I'm suprised I'm still here, But I just won't disaper, Not for them, not for you, not for anyone, Yeah sure I'm down-trodden, But I just pick myself back up every time, Let me be happy in my misery, for now, I'll keep driftin' 'till I find what I'm really lookin' for,
But what place will I find it, where? In a pub, in a club, or a dark dingy allyway, I have faith there will be love one day, Someday, I hope, I long for,
Don't wanna fade away, let's make it clear, So tell me if you hear, what I'm saying, Do you understand? Oh hope won't fail me now, Don't fail me now,
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2004-02-10 21:12:30] (Date/Time posted on