The Beloved Child
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Saturday, 14th February 2004 @ 02:05:13 AM in AEST
Should Christ desire his nature known, His manner so meek and mild. Could he not take one of his own, Reveal himself in a child?
Wide eyed in faith of things to come, Resides in that heart so new. A total trust in his Father, With unreserved reliance too.
No doubt in motive concerning a friend, Enters that mind so sweet. In the child, you can depend, The mirror of Christ to see.
Forgiving, always forgiving those, With whom they have to do. Loving everything around, And, with enthusiasm too.
Esteeming no one really bad, Or requiring work to do. Children have hope and charity, And smiles of thanksgiving too.
Could someone find a better way, For Christ's love to be shown, Except for Holy scripture, to say, No better way is known.
In the child the effect of grace, Is so clearly manifested; While sinful human depravity, Can hardly be detected.
Look in the world from end to end, Searching as you may: No surer picture can be found, No purer judgment made.
Than in the beauty of the child, One ever so meek and mild; In whom love lies unconditionally, And where there is no guile.
If this dear thought you don't believe, Or dare not pursue: Well, its no marvel at all to me, Christ was once a child too.
Matt.18:3-6 "Verily, I say unto you, except you be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven, and whosoever shall recieve one such little child in my name, recieveth me. But, who so shall offend one of these little ones which believeth in me, it were better for him if a millstone were tied around his neck and he were drowned in the bottom of the sea. (Poem inspired by Braydon Ledbetter at age of 3 months)
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2004-02-14 02:05:13] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: The Beloved Child
(User Rating: 1 ) by emystar on
Saturday, 14th February 2004 @ 02:40:36 AM AEST (User
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This is an awesome masterpeice!
I always say I grew up once and didn't like it so I change then When I read the above scripture in my bible I decided to be a child again.
I didn't realize this untill I had my oldest grandson but I could see freash luv sent from heaven to light the world. MY oldest grandson
don't remember it now but when he was less than four he told me his sees angels al time and he didn't like it. I explained to him that they are jus watching over you. He wasn't scared anymore so he never mentioned it again.
This a very good tribute to your little Braydon.
He will cherish this some day.
luv, huggs,
emy |
Re: The Beloved Child
(User Rating: 1 ) by faith_my_eyes on
Sunday, 29th February 2004 @ 09:54:32 PM AEST (User
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This poem is so excellent! I love this. You so well reflect the love of Christ and the depravity of men in this peice. Christ's analogy of children and faith was a magnificent example for us to uphold- to have total and utter trust in God because He loves us.
God bless
Emily |