The beginning, of a long good-by, so shall .... I see, looking deeply, inside her soul, I see her heart, full of pain, hurt, agony, silent tears, so hard she tried, to hold it in, day after day, month after month, year after year, Today, she finally broke down, ..... and cried, I mean, she really cried, grief, tears, love, sorrows, memories, laughter dreams,, It was all there, I could see, for the first time, inside of her, always trying to be so strong, unbreakable, Today .... Today, was the day, of a new beginning, the beginning ..... of a long good-by, the beginning ..... of healing, the beginning ..... of accepting, The beginning ..... started today, today ..... she wept, and when she wept ..... I knew, It was the beginning, the beginning, to accept, change, hope, heal, love, enjoy, cry, 'CRY' ...... we all must cry, crying helps to heal, and when we heal, we survive, Survive, and move forward, and when we move forward, we realize, life can only get better, So we begin today, brand new, fresh, Living for the moment, living for today, living our dreams, Where-ever, when-ever, how-ever, to reach the beginning, to understand ..... good-by. and good-by is not forever, It's a new beginning!
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2002-09-07 13:29:10] (Date/Time posted on