Unknown I travel, into the depths, a journey, never walked by others, until the time approaches, I shall wait patiently .... in silence, no words spoken, until I hear, the voice of Our Savior, bringing forth, the glory, the harmony, the salvation, the wonder, I have looked for, spoke of, and heard .... Consuming his love ..... humbly, I shall indulge, his wisdom, his salvation, a new beginning will capture, my spirit, Earthly pleasures, I will not need, to fulfill, my new found journey, struggles will fall off my shoulders, My spirit will be annoited, with lasting love, I have yearned for .... for years, he will embrace me, as his child, I will walk beside him, into eternity, Violins .... will sound, Angels .... will rejoice, with song, tomorrow .... tomorrow will come, Unknown I travel, I now see the colors, the glory, the promise, the life-after, with dignity, I am fulfilled, comforted, blessed, with the promise, of tomorrow, I travel today, he carries me, through hardships, earthly struggles, hunger, hopelessness, sorrows, and tears, I fall .... he is there, I stumble .... he lifts me, I trip .... he holds tight, I cry .... he embraces, I feel alone, empty .... he consoles me, Our savior, captured inside, I learn .....Eternity!
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2002-09-10 11:16:51] (Date/Time posted on