He, my love
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Wednesday, 25th February 2004 @ 11:45:16 AM in AEST
He stroked this affliction
Burgeoning from the gut of my cancer,
My love did.
Still I lay, spanned across this bed,
Eyes searching ceiling and walls once again,
As organs wither and die.
Then I saw him cry.
Fever proposes breaking through,
With ill-timed invasion,
The force of its attack diminishes me.
Yet, Im hearing comfort,
Twas love,
He sang a soothing lullaby,
Hush my love, My love, dont cry.
Calming these demons, which feed on my life,
I breathed,
Exhaling slowly,
Relief, some ease,
I wanted to show him,
A thank you perhaps.
No longer afraid of losing my mind,
Such peace washes over me now,
Love, he is here all the while,
Holding my hand for the longest time,
Walking with me, staying so close,
As I drift across to the other side.
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2004-02-25 11:45:16] (Date/Time posted on