I saw you beautiful face, Just the other day, You just started to, Talk to me, After a while, I really didn't understand, Why u were acting so strange, Sometimes when I look, Into those eyes, Of yours, I begin to cry, And not one thought of, You, Can get out of my mind, So when I sit here, And think about the, Times we use to talk, I remember, Those days are cherished, In my heart, And in my soul, Your beautiful smile, Just made me happy, For an entire day, And nothing could make, Me sad, Cause when I see u, I think about those dayz, When we use to talk, I dream about times, When I can just, Have u for myself, And then I will be happy, The pain inside, Hurts me so bad, Everytime I look at you, A smile appears on my face, And I feel like a real person, On the inside and out, The voice within me, Tells me to follow u, But u keep changing on me, So how can I, Talk to u, Or find u, If u don't wan't to, Talk to me, Cause I know I care, About u so much, And it hurts, When u won't open up to me, And say what's on your mind, I just wish that u, Would communicate with me, Like we did in those dayz, Of love and happiness, Those dayz that pasted, We still are living, Right in them, I don't know what I'm going through, Is it the emotions of love, Pain, Fears, What?, I just need to know, So I can get u, Here with me, Cause right now I, Don't know, What I'm feelin'
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2004-03-20 09:02:22] (Date/Time posted on