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Wednesday, 24th March 2004 @ 06:12:52 PM in AEST
Look at me, Really look at me, No glance or blind stare, Look at me with your heart instead of your eyes,
What do you see, Not just the clothes that i'm wearing, Or my blond hair blowing in the brezze, See my soul,
Tattered and torn, Ripped and Broken, Now see the pain in my eyes, Look at what you did to me,
Self esteem is non-existant for me, Not one tear is shed for me, No regret or careing touch, Look through my eyes and see my soul,
One final blow and it'll shatter, I see it in your eye's, Your going to say some thing, You know the effect it'll cause,
Have you waited all your life to do this, I think you have, The way you said it, So cool and full of hate,
Memerizing those words over and over till they sounded perfect, Perfect enough to ruin someone's life, Just perfect that you decided to chose me, Me the lucky one,
Lucky that I am, To have my miserible life put to an end, "Thank you" I say as i slump to the ground, Shaking and crying in a tiny ball all curled up,
You start to kick me and laugh, But all I do is plug my ears and hum, I won't hear you, I won't let myself,
No one around to hear my crying pleads, Not one person, One will say "I think she's had enough", But no one will stop till they had they're fill,
They never stop, When they do, They leave me to die, A tearstained creature bleeding on the pavement,
All thats left of me is a body, Broken way to many times, To many times for anyone to care, My soul no more,
So this is the last time, No more fun for you, Nothing like this will happen to anyone else, I won't let it,
Up i get, I force my self to, Time to pay you all a visit, The last visit you'll ever have,
Into your house i go, stopping only to grab the butcher knife in the kitchen, See my bloody foot prints across the carpet floor, Into your room not bothering to knock,
Few quick slash's and my work is done, Leave you on the ground, Proceed to my next victims house, Being sure to leave my wepon behind,
This time a have a hammer, My work takes longer than usual now, Place the blood stained tool back in the garage, Laughing menicingly as I go,
Now my plesure has been fullfilled, I know that I'll get the death penalty for it, But it was worth it all the same, To see you waste away like what did to me,
Now look at me, But with your eyes, What do you see, A crazy person tainted with blood,
The blood of my victims, The blood of my soul, Smiling with happiness, My new found happiness.
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2004-03-24 18:12:52] (Date/Time posted on