Game of life
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Thursday, 25th March 2004 @ 12:01:45 PM in AEST
As we pull up our shorts, our socks, and shoes We head out onto that vast open field The whistle blows, and the game begins Focus on the ball I hear, no worries I cry, nothing will ever pass me by
Running so fast, eyes on the ball, passing to others, they run and pass back to me We need that goal, come on lets go, dig deeper, too many distractions I need a more focused frame of mind Family cheering at the sidelines, blocked out by the noise of the crowd, focus, no distractions
Damn the opposition is blocking us everywhere, but I am closer, time running out I can feel we are nearly there, a victorious cry rises in my throat The whistle blows for half time, score 0-0, break time That was great my dear, Stop distracting me I say, you are only in the way Need more focus, more depth, we can win this, I know we can
Play starts, and the race begins again Now being blocked, but can see the way by, dont really have to try Ha, I can see more than you, the goal is coming closer, yes, more focus, more drive We are leaving the match, need to go, shouted out by the crowd, I hear nothing Dont turn around and dont turn back, it will all be worth it in the end
Getting close, on my own, I kick the ball, in it goes, score 1-0, we win No, I win, no wait
Never to be played again.
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2004-03-25 12:01:45] (Date/Time posted on