Contributed by
Friday, 2nd April 2004 @ 09:53:36 PM in AEST
touche my lips and kiss my cheak tell me those poetic words i love to hear but can you deciple the venmous whispers? do you feel the hot breath on your ear?
and now that you look around are the walls closing in? can you feel the finger nails on your neck, digging into your skin?
can you feel thier hands around you? are they yours or are they mine? do you know what it is you've done? can you distinguish the dirty crime?
listen to the laughing as you stumble back and fall searching for the bottle disobeying the demons call
your making them angry they want your freshly cut skin dripping untouched blood caoxed with deadly sin
can you feel the clock, it's ticking the demons hear your heart filled with lost desire, love no longer part
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2004-04-02 21:53:36] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: wHiSpErS
(User Rating: 1 ) by Whisper on
Saturday, 3rd April 2004 @ 01:47:16 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
I really enjoyed that. I have one suggestion
If I may. Effect is ...I thought would end like this....
"searching for the bottle
disobeying the demons call
CAN you feel the clock, it's ticking
the demons hear....yada yadayada..
....yada yada yada..longer part
YOUR making them angry
they want ....yadayayada...
and etc. :-)"
and end it thinking... what secert sin? I like your style.