Lady's Day
Contributed by
Saturday, 24th April 2004 @ 02:21:34 PM in AEST
I'd surely like to understand the thinking of a female, Of all the people on the earth they mostly aren't hemale And thus I ask the answer to a question deep and wide Why the head of state is male and not a female guide?
A majority is all you need to elect a president, The electoral college in this case would surely just relent, The girls could vote in anyone..Jane Doe to Minnie Mouse And ratified it would be in senate and the house.
So tell me, girls, it's entre nous, I guess it's jealousy, That stops the girls from voting in whoever it might be? Are all of you so envious, you cannot stand the thought, A woman in the White House, no vote must then be bought.
Wake up. girls, forget the past, it's your turn at the bat, You need not wear a burkah, you can tell your husbands that, What men've done up to this point, is strictly second rate, Things might be much better with the ladies at the plate.
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... [
2004-04-24 14:21:34] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Lady's Day
(User Rating: 1 ) by Stitch on
Saturday, 24th April 2004 @ 02:24:05 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
I'd love to have a woman pres
I'd help her through the door
Alas, dear Norm, I haven't found
one worth voting for.
Stitch |
Re: Lady's Day
(User Rating: 1 ) by liquidsunshine on
Saturday, 24th April 2004 @ 03:44:47 PM AEST (User
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Thanks for sharing the love, Norm. If ever there were a worthy female candidate, I'm sure she'd be more suited for the job than the guys out there, but it's hard to find the right kind of representative that actually wants the job.
Bravo and Encore
Chels |
Re: Lady's Day
(User Rating: 1 ) by skinsfan on
Sunday, 25th April 2004 @ 11:18:10 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
Smoothly written with a nice rhyme. A joy to read. skinsfan |
Re: Lady's Day
(User Rating: 1 ) by bernard on
Tuesday, 4th May 2004 @ 09:19:40 AM AEST (User
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More power to the ladies it is about time we had a woman ruling in every land and I do not mean as a Queen. First they live longer we would not have to vote so often. Intelligence with the natural of a woman cannot be beaten. Good poem as usual norm keep em coming I enjoy each read.
bernard. |
Re: Lady's Day
(User Rating: 1 ) by Ilhar on
Thursday, 20th May 2004 @ 09:03:36 AM AEST (User
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enjoyable read as usual