Ready to Strike
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Thursday, 29th April 2004 @ 05:36:52 PM in AEST
Hurt pain, Everything under the sun,
Thats it, Thats all,
I can't take it, No more,
This is the last straw, You are dead,
Follow you home, Slowly,
Stalking, You turn the corner,
I stifle a laugh, Follow you silently,
You enter your house, Not bothering to lock,
Sweetness of revenge, Blood running thin,
You hear me, Chanting,
"Here little piggy" "Oink Oink"
You try to hide, But I'll find you anyway,
You scream as you see me, "Hello, Clarice"
I push you to a wall, Cornered now,
No way of escape, Any last words?
You cry and wimper, I laugh now allowed,
I take up my ax, Swift movement beheld,
Your now just a decapitated body, Lying,
Dead still, I turn away,
Fearfull of what I'd done, Only for a second,
Am malicouse grin spreads cross my face, That felt good,
I set free, Got rid of you,
My worst enemy, Its not my fault,
You drove me here, Put me in my place,
Into my insanity, Ready to strike
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2004-04-29 17:36:52] (Date/Time posted on