to each there own,, is what they say,, diffrent thoughts,, diffrent Ideas,, diffrent meanings,, to each there own,, I believe in one thing,, you believe in another,, I think one way ,, and you another,, we all want things done diffrently,, o.k. I agree,, to each there own,, wars,,politics,,releigon,, some believe,, some don't,, o.k. I agree,, w all can't say yes at the same time,, or even agree on one thing,, would you agree with me on wars,, it shouldn't of happen or should it had,,? we agree on being democrate fully,, or being repubulic,, do you believe in GOD,, I do,,this is what makes me,, to think,, to do,, to react on sititutations when needed,, we all disagree because we dont want to say ,, i didn't do it,, I had nothing to do with it,, let the children starve in other countries,, let the men and woman fight for me,, thats there duty,, who care if there is a GOD ,, what has he done or me,, your awake and reading this,, you walk,,talk,,see,,write,, say whats on your mind,, to each there own,, in time,, maybe,, just maybe,, one day,,when people stop to realize,, that we dont have that choice,, to say whats on our mind,, then they will see, thats its not ,, to each there own,,
I've written alot in ypdc,, about wars,, about politics,, and reliegon, but there's one I will stand behind,, GOD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
craig s. meeks
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2004-05-12 10:09:43] (Date/Time posted on