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The Bitter World of Wrong

Contributed by Valerie_Pearson on Wednesday, 9th October 2002 @ 02:10:00 PM in AEST
Topic: Grief

Winter had just ended,
April's rays had just brought dawn,
whose heart is made of innocent,
in this bitter world of wrong,
what was to come, could make one clench,
as I recall the scene,
for everyday is borrowed time,
this day was still unseen,
the glimpse of spring, had shown it's spouts,
crisp winds, still left a chill,
as gold light shimmered, through the trees,
a songbird sang at will ......,
Many say the first to rise,
are those who see the doves,
but what lied ahead would soon change,
the way I looked at love,
The night before, I was awakened,
by a visionary dream,
cold sweat had sent a chill,
I recall that I had screamed,
I saw a young woman ..... running,
hair of golden brown,
running in her nightclothes,
out of breath, she then fell down,
Her walls were touched with paper,
a sort of pastel green,
Leaves and flowers were the template,
but then I heard her scream,
She turned around a couple of times,
but her face was made of fright,
I remember the screams, and bullets,
that awoken me that night,
Almost ..... as if .... slow motion,
had set, this dream on pause,
I awoke and then set slumber,
what was this dream of clause,
She than ran down a hallway,
the longest I had seen,
Hence then the bullets fired,
blood scattered across this dream,
I had only caught a glimpse of her,
then suddenly awoke,
Spring had set the songbirds' light,
which purified some hope,
What soon would lie ahead,
was not of spring's delight,
But bitter winds of warning,
thus a premonition in the night,
I can recall the early hour,
I had sat to watch the news,
had this premonition set a warning,
to see a part of doom,
Still haunted by the dream,
I tried to understand,
Untill the breaking story,
brought the darkest part of man,
There was another murder,
but somehow this felt close,
What made it all to real,
was the scene where I saw folks,
There stood a woman, middle aged,
another by her side,
when suddenly the camera used,
focused on their eyes,
I remember my bones freezing,
right at that very sight,
had the dream that brought me chills,
be the cries I saw last night,
There stood my Aunt and Grandma,
holding one another,
This cannot be real, I told myself with utter,
just then the phone rang out,
sending me in quivers,
My voice cried out .... why,
but the trembles left the shivers,
Why Lord, had I dreamt this,
only a day before,
Had my eyes invisioned terror,
from this land of drifting shore,
I saw it ... I heard it,
but in sleep it all appeared,
Is it, the strange can only enter,
when the spirit feels wierd,
How could one do this,
to someone we all loved,
why Lord, oh why Lord,
oh' the cries within the buds,
Leaving our souls soiled,
it brought hte darkest thorns,
Death had laid its sqweel,
a dirge upon this morn',
In all degree, it broke us,
and mounted many tears,
one with mis-used judgement,
had taken our dear,
Its hard to climb a mountain,
when the one you love is gone,
for death brings bitter winds,
and sorrowful the song,
nothing can bring back the hour,
that withdrew her from our sight,
the un-sung cries of day,
come and go, it wasn't right,
Short lived were her years,
though we saw her as a rose,
Death became the final state,
for her lovely eyes have closed,
Many say that roses, never wilt in time,
both her children, are her buds,
for roses only climb,
Beyond those bitter winds,
the soul's immensity has power,
spring renew's the songbirds' yearly,
to open a new flower,
Whose heart is love of innocent,
can always soothe a loss,
we rely on one another,
as this borrowed bridge we cross,
Death can make one ill inside,
if the walls of hope are closed,
many saw, and many knew,
the sorrows, that we hold,
Every hour that has past,
everyday without you here,
Everytime we see a rose,
we think of you my dear,
We hold you in our hearts,
we see you through our souls,
someday we'll meet again,
you will always be our rose!

Copyright © Valerie_Pearson ... [ 2002-10-09 14:10:00]
(Date/Time posted on site)


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Re: The Bitter World of Wrong (User Rating: 1 )
by Mystery_Girl on Wednesday, 9th October 2002 @ 02:27:13 PM AEST
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Oh my gosh Valerie...How sad for you and your family...The world is so full of jealousy like this and the frustrating part is noone or nothing can stop this from happening......Jealousy such as this is just the most worst thing of this kind..Makes me think very careful now and not to dismiss when threats are made...Hope u and your family are ok....Take care...Tanya

Re: The Bitter World of Wrong (User Rating: 1 )
by Lia on Wednesday, 9th October 2002 @ 03:47:49 PM AEST
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The tears that flow from my eyes at this very moment ...I give to you...I have come close to being in your cousins shoes..I know the pain you endure...God bless you and yours

Re: The Bitter World of Wrong (User Rating: 1 )
by LOWMAN613 on Thursday, 10th October 2002 @ 12:32:32 AM AEST
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WOW what a very touching story & put into poetry! I can really feel the pain here! Sorry for your loss!

Re: The Bitter World of Wrong (User Rating: 1 )
by springchic1979 on Thursday, 10th October 2002 @ 04:23:27 AM AEST
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My thoughts are with you and your family, I'm sorry you had to suffer such loss of a loved one.

A very sad story...yet a wonderful poem, its a shame such a beautifully written poem had to come from such a tragedy.


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