Why Should I Live
Contributed by
Tuesday, 25th May 2004 @ 10:02:36 PM in AEST
Why should I live I feel like screaming I feel like shouting I feel like pulling my hair out I feel like stamping my feet I feel like punching the wall I feel so depressed I feel so hopeless I feel so helpless
Everyones telling me Im useless Everyones telling me I'll never see old age Everyones telling me to stop complaining Everyones keeps telling me something Everyone uses me and abuses me Everyone takes advantage of me No one cares about my feelings No one listens without judging me
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2004-05-25 22:02:36] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Why Should I Live
(User Rating: 1 ) by kidpoet_213 on
Tuesday, 25th May 2004 @ 10:50:54 PM AEST (User
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I can relate to this... just about a week ago I was feeling the same distraught feelings... it seemed like no one cared for me... no cared whether I lived or died... life just seemed to be to big... too wide...
Here I am a week later... things have calmed down for me... u just have to hold on for one more day and believe...
Pm me if u need to talk...
By the way... well written... emotions were well expressed... keep writing
Re: Why Should I Live
(User Rating: 1 ) by Rylo on
Tuesday, 25th May 2004 @ 10:58:06 PM AEST (User
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This was a very depressing read, yet it was a good one. It says so much, and I have been on the path that you are walking down now. The only thing that I can say, is to set aside all emotions, and work them all out day by day. There are so many great reasons to look at life in a different form, you just have to take the time to at least try to. Many people in my life had walked on me for many years, and many times know one wanted to listen to what I had to say. You just have to open your mind, and look beyond all the bad, and go for the good. Sometimes life isn't always greener on the other side, but it is most likely to be a little easier if you try it. Forget all the bad times in your life, and let people think what they want of you. The only person you ever have to impress in this world, is just you, and God above. Trust me I have been there, and when I learned to take the easier way, my life became better off. Well I wish you the best of luck, and again great write. |
Re: Why Should I Live
(User Rating: 1 ) by JT on
Wednesday, 26th May 2004 @ 02:42:59 AM AEST (User
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Stamp your feet, scream and shout, and keep writing. Its better than holding it in. Then you can hear yourself again.
-jt- |
Re: Why Should I Live
(User Rating: 1 ) by pixie on
Wednesday, 26th May 2004 @ 03:47:16 AM AEST (User
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Great poem, very sad and moving also. I find writing about things is a great help, so keep on writing and expressing your true feelings, it will help you in time :)
pixie xxx |
Re: Why Should I Live
(User Rating: 1 ) by Daniela_Maria_Violin on
Wednesday, 26th May 2004 @ 05:51:35 PM AEST (User
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Why should you live? because if you die I'd lose a friend and that would make me really sad as I'm sure it would alot of other people...
I've been at the place you're at and thought about suicide, thankfully I'm far from it now.
I hope you find the good in life as well... it's too short to feel like this.