Contributed by
Thursday, 17th October 2002 @ 09:00:00 PM in AEST
I hurt myself today to see if I still feel I focus on the pain the only thing that's real the needle tears a hole the old familiar sting try to kill it all away but I remember everything
what have I become? my sweetest friend everyone I know goes away in the end
you could have it all my empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt
I wear this crown of ***** upon my liar's chair full of broken thoughts I cannot repair beneath the stains of time the feelings disappear you are someone else I am still right here
what have i become? my sweetest friend everyone I know goes away in the end
and you could have it all my empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt
if I could start again a million miles away I would keep myself I would find a way
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2002-10-17 21:00:00] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: hurt
(User Rating: 1 ) by juliette on
Friday, 18th October 2002 @ 02:51:03 AM AEST (User
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My interpretation of your poem is much too personal to share with an entire site of people whom I don't know yet - but I will say that I think it's a beautifully written, sad, sad song. Thanks for sharing. =) |
Re: hurt
(User Rating: 1 ) by RANE on
Tuesday, 22nd October 2002 @ 05:16:27 AM AEST (User
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umm hey...don't mean 2 Be a total *****.....but did U really write this (or R U even claiming 2?)....i dunno....but this is a N.I.N song.....and if U'r not 'him', then U R plagiarizing somone elses work + I don't Believe that's fair.....
But if these R infact U'r words all i can say is THANK U.....
But I have a feeling maybe U just wnted some opinions on a song U like?......if that's the case, I guess U should Be aware that everything on this site is 'copyrighted', and anything U sign U'r name 2 , U R declaring 2 Be U'R ORIGINAL WRITINGS.....
Okay.....no offense intended here, just don't want 2 C anyone get in2 any trouble.....
Anyways, if U didn't write these lyrics, and U weren't trying 2 just pass them off as U'r own, then .....just 4 future reference, if U want 2 post material that isn't 'original' that U didn't write.....try posting in a 'forum' intead , and Be sure 2 specify the 'rightful' 'author'.....
As 4 the meanings of the lyrics...U'r certainly right, they can Be taken many ways by many different people....that's what makes them sooooo 'special' I think.....it's like.....U know U can 'relate' on such a deep 'personal' level, and U may not neccesarily Be able 2 pin-point exactly 'how'.....but something about the words just rings TRUE 2 U.....and somehow U just FEEL it in the wirds (and music)....
Okay well.....no hard Feelings I hOpe, guess I'll shut my big mouth now.....
just....(+I'm not 'accusing'...but, if U were trying 2 pass this off as' U'rs'.....all I can say is....nice try ;)........
(and i can totally relate 2 thta feeling of...'whoa, this is just how i feel , and these R the words that I meant 2 write).....
The 'best' songs R always the ones that feel like 'U' wrote them.
I think this song kinda sumned up is like about 'everyone's' 'inner solitude'........
what do U think..... |
Re: hurt
(User Rating: 1 ) by idiotbox on
Tuesday, 22nd October 2002 @ 12:33:04 PM AEST (User
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no hard feelings it is a NIN song i wasn't trying to pass it on as my own. i just said this song means alot to me i should have said by who but i think i wrongly assumed everyone listens to NiN but i totally agree the lyrics just ring true somewhere in me. and i have been to where this song is comeing from if that makes any sense to you i meant to post them as lyrics. there is an option when you post well anyways thanks for the comments |
Re: hurt
(User Rating: 1 ) by RANE on
Thursday, 24th October 2002 @ 04:11:43 AM AEST (User
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HEY!.....thanks 4 the reply.....I totally agree with U.....I FEEL like I've 'been there 2', U know.....it's amazing how a really great song can 'touch' sooooo many different people (on personal levels)....especially, when deep down, everyone feels so 'alone' in the world.....it 'connects' them I think.....
Anyways.....nice 2 Be 'connected' 2 ya (if only 4 a little while ;)
:) |