Distand voiceS
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Wednesday, 30th June 2004 @ 06:56:39 AM in AEST
Distant Voices, They Aren't For The Good, They Are The Sirens, Admits the great waves Our Great ships are mercilessly tossed Pounding our hearts again and again And Love Will Be The Rocks, Or The Light-Post
The warriors have all left the scene The theatre of war has no more performances But the encore will be undoubtedly soon The hammocks lay occupied The arms now lay folded The minds now nestle themselves With the morbid lies of the victors
The market now lays bare The carpets and linins, which were once vibrant Are now mono-tone and life-less The seamstress is now poor And their materials are now worthless The grandeur of the hype Has left the wake even greater
Old skies come over the heads of grandmothers The rain that refused to fall that once great time Now sheds its flood upon the unholy Cleansing the fair and normal Yet the ones who are evil upon this land Stand high and dry, in the mansion and the tower Ever observant of those who try to overthrow them
Terrible times now beckon their terrible measures Seen from afar they arent going to leave Seen from the face, they know youre as good as dead They wear a mask This mask Is of a daemon This daemon is tinted green And is smothered in ink lines And watermark eyes Bearing down with their wealthy stare of opulence To the poor, of the under-belly of society
The lands that was once debated between humble farmers Is now argued by great powers The corn of this land is ablaze And the mouths it fed are hungry And the arms that cultivated it are weak from under-use This reality was once fiction or bad gesture Now those who condemned and mocked its occurrence Manage what we eat and drink As they are yet to die
Wrestling with the hands that govern time This clock once proud in the town centre Now lays in ruin, after the city fighting that surrendered it The maintenance engineer is now dead He fought at the front lines For what the politicians propagated the grandness of his country He is the lower and middle class The ones who pay for the time But yet there are the ones who foot the death bill
Their fathers and brothers lay in coffins side-by-side The mourning brides, wives and daughters now look to the sky But all that falls is acid rain from on high Swelling their hearts with dread Running all sense of happiness asunder This is mealy the pain of the shower of spilt blood Of the on-coming monsoon of sorrow This is the reality of life For those conquered for no reason
For the politicians, grain and water heed no call There are merely objects of wealth Something with the value of a tax These are the things they consider wealth These are also the things the common Starving Unhappy Dying Man Consider truth of life A rule Or a law That is Without a question Packed with a whole baton of lies Wielded by the secret police A Truncheon made from paper Wrote on by the feather
But as powerful as a sword
Thankyou for reading
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2004-06-30 06:56:39] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Distand voiceS
(User Rating: 1 ) by lovingcritters on
Tuesday, 6th July 2004 @ 02:10:19 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
Powerful and very profound indeed!
I just read where 800 young men and woman have lost their lives so far, and that in one hour that is how many were lost at Normandy! Good God in Heaven......What for? I ask? What for?
When will all this stop? Please let it be soon!
Your writings are marvelous! I will get back to your latest tomorrow........Keep them coming........they make us all think?????Hopefully,
Lovingcritters |