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Thursday, 1st July 2004 @ 08:00:47 AM in AEST
(As Saddam appears in court in Iraq here is a very long poem covering much of what is a very long and very ugly history)
Saddam insane Caused so much pain Control through oppression Sprang from his brain
In a hard land He was a hard man Harder than anyone Can understand
Like dictators before The tough rose to the top In fields of violence They were the worst crop
In power they were But surrounded by fear Knowing the ambitions Of those most near
Forming a clique Of family and tribe No one else Was allowed inside
Then those others Whos loyalty was bought Only available for cash Or for privileges bought
So a pyramid of fear is quickly built Where suspicion pervades and ugly guilt
Who will be next To feel his awful wrath? Better do as he says Not stray from that path
And in the end Doing such heinous things Fearing one another And what suspicion brings
If I dont do it Now in this moment to you Someone higher will see What it is -I- do
And then in your place I will surely then stand That is the nameless fear We all can understand
And finally we reach a system Reflecting an evil complete Where the slightest humanity Cannot at all compete
Where dictators rule No matter in which lands They control with lies and fear Making their demands
Absolute obedience is required To his brutal rule And anyone against him Is called dangerous fool
So it was with Pinochet And others of our friends Seeing their goodness In terms of what we defend
So once was Saddam too As you will know A friend against Iran Our implacable foe
All the million dead We talk about right now We helped to kill them And lay them all so low
We gave Saddam Satellite images so clear Of where Iranians stood So he could then draw near
His weapons to destroy The Iranian lines Often mere kids In those awful times
Through the CIA Saddam had his day Giving lists for execution Politicians for elimination
He was aided to power by American hands Provided with weapons Fulfilling his demands
What Saddam did Was unforgiveable its true The savage terror he unleashed Such a horror to live through
But there is one horror Of that time said bold That he didnt do But we are often told
He killed 5,000 Kurds At Halabja they say Said without doubt It happened that way
Now Saddam IS a monster And guilty of SO much But this seems to be Not guilty of his touch
If you read the CIA The Iraq expert of the time You will see it looks more Like a propaganda find
The type of chemical weapons IRAN used killed them all In the battle for Halabja That came after its fall
The Iranians had taken this Iraqi town While fighting raged around
But the CIA chief says He saw the dead And all his conclusions Inescapably led
To him saying quite sure The weapons used there Were IRANIAN WMD He saw them everywhere
The symptoms and signs Point to this and NOT Iraq IRAN was to blame For the Halabja attack
But of course Saddam Is STILL insane Such ugly suppression Just poured from his brain
Saddam and Kuwait Had a long and bitter fight About oil and land And exactly what was right
A fascist leader Saddam Sought conquest Like fascists in the past Just like all the rest
Removed from Kuwait As he should The world wondered If then he would
Have caused all this expensive action from the West If it had been only sand, not oil Would THAT have passed the test?
After GW1 the Shia were urged Rise up now and fight Knowing Saddam would use Every little bit of his might
To crush a rebellion That threatened all his power Using everything that he had To win that ugly hour
America knows just how many dead Fall in a civil war Where no quarter is given In a killing fest of gore
The U.S. let Saddam Use copters to simply crush The Shia as they made Their useless tragic push
The Shia were not merely walking Toward Saddams lines They were killing too Not only GUILTY Sunni whines
Is it surprising That so many then were killed? Or that so many Mass graves were callously filled?
When a brother fights brother Or in some Rwandan tribal fight Who really counts the cost? And who holds to what is right?
The Shias puny force America made to feel Would get hard backing From strong U.S. steel
But in the end they were left Just to suffer and to die And all that was left in the end Was a lonely Shia cry
But kicked out Saddam had been And quite rightly too He was forced back to Iraq Bent and bloodied too
Soon followed demands That he start to disarm To lay down his weapons And do no further harm
Unknown to the uninformed He did in fact comply But Washington and London Then began to lie
Sanctions came soon With quite another aim Regime change was now The REAL goal of the game
Over 12 years in Iraq With no WMD there Sanctions were ever tightened To an endless despair
500,000 Iraqi kids Lost every innocent life As the U.S. and U.K sought Ever to contrive
To ban almost everything To make life a living hell And these poor Iraqi kids Lost their lives as well
And just as that country Was starting to climb back To a life more normal They came under our attack
9/11 Hit the U.S. hard All options were now open To the pre-emptive card
Al Qaeda was now Our Enemy Number One And Afghanistan was first to fall Under the U.S. gun
That left one other Clear villain in their sight Saddam Hussein they saw Could now be crushed by their might
A target of convenience Virtually defenceless he stood Who cared if it was RIGHT to do this? Who cared if we SHOULD?
The opportunity was there To do that awful thing Just that one small window To invade and then to bring
Saddam falling down In one total shock attack To cook up legal reasons To smash a weak Iraq
Blair convinced Bush To ask the U.N. Needing a moral fig-leaf Two determined men
Also needing sanction To simply go ahead A war that would leave so many So disfigured and so dead
You can say it was right A humanitarian war But for what are these Our precious laws then for?
To protect the right Of a sovereign state Against those who see them With only a pure hate
And then theres the question If it was NOT for the oil? All those kids lives were lost It makes our blood to boil
No WMD No al Qaeda link No terrorist plot It all beigins to stink
But the goal was decided On September 12th Containment plans Left up on the shelf
Through their pretence and lies They thought they could easily weave A chance for them to destroy In a way we wouldnt grieve
For a system of law They cast aside Making it possible every day For so many to have died
They said it was a new front On the War on Terror But it really wasnt true It was a monumental error
Now al Qaeda is stronger With a fierce cause in Iraq And does ANYONE really know Wholl mount the LAST attack?
So, Saddam faces trial This is so VERY good All ugly dictators Deserve this and truly SHOULD
But as in a trial We must see the truth as a WHOLE Not only partial And then off to the gaol
Many things will come out We must be ready to face Saddams ugly crimes its true But also homespun disgrace.
Our help to him When we were friends Rumsfeld and his grins Achieving all HIS ends
The CIA and its assistance On the killing fields Bringing Saddam to power To make Iranians yield
Saddam is guilty Of much that is clear But an unfair trial We must surely fear
That would only be More recruitment signs For the violent men and All their hellish designs
Now we will all I hope get to see The true cost Of lies, death and misery
From ALL sides These questions shout in fear How did we REALLY Get from THERE to HERE?
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2004-07-01 08:00:47] (Date/Time posted on
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(User Rating: 1 ) by Colleen on
Thursday, 1st July 2004 @ 08:58:52 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
Wow, this was such an amazing eye opener for me. It was very truthful too, as much as that hurts for me to admitt. Good writing. I couldn't agree with you more! |
(User Rating: 1 ) by Former_Member on
Thursday, 1st July 2004 @ 09:23:14 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
Just think - you could have saved yourself a couple hundred poems worth of effort if you had penned this a year ago . . . lol.
"But for what are these
Our precious laws then for?"
Wonderful effort, Steel. These are indeed, Interesting days. Will Saddam talk? Will the truth out? Will he simply be accused of lying about everything and everyone and simply shot on the spot?
Saddam Deserves Justice - the death penalty is too easy for him. I think prolonged community service, excavating all the mass graves he's ordered filling would be a fitting penitence for a start. Then, he can go on tv and explain to the Iraqi people why he did it (although you explain why pretty well here). I guess the answer would be - 'because I can'.
Exactly the same answer Bush would give, I expect, if asked why he ordained those pre-emptive strikes.
Great write again, Steel. Let's hope Saddam's chapter is nearing its conclusion, and that Iraq does not sleep in democracy, like every other indoctrinated western country, when she finally achieves her own solidarity.
10/5. |