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Judgement Day

Contributed by Monkeybones99 on Friday, 2nd July 2004 @ 05:10:12 PM in AEST
Topic: oops

Have you ever felt hate from someone you don't know
Have you ever been told where you can and can't go.
Let me tell you it could happen to you
Because of who you love or cause you hair is blue.

People of this world don't see with thier eyes
They believe flase truths and they preach flase lies.
I don't know what God they believe in
But as they are judging,they talk about sin.

They hate me because I am gay
They say I choose to be this way.
Do they know if I could change I would
On second thought I would not change if I could.

The only thing I feel is wrong with me
Is the way they treat me without knowing who I could be.
So many tormented sould stay hidden
Thier gifts of thier love always forbidden.

Who are these people who think we all should be peas in a pod
All I know is they are not my God.
One sin is no greater than the next you see
So if I'm going to hell for what I believe,aren't thee?

You say it is wrong to love who I love
All I know is that it's not up to you but the,One Above.
You say I am wrong and shall burn in hell
Guess I will see you there,Oh Well.

Copyright © Monkeybones99 ... [ 2004-07-02 17:10:12]
(Date/Time posted on site)


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Re: Judgement Day (User Rating: 1 )
by poetrygodslove on Friday, 2nd July 2004 @ 05:22:57 PM AEST
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Yes my friend we will all be judged. Do you remember the scripture in the bible that talks about the adulterous lady. Alot of men came to throw stones at her because of her sin. Jesus was sitting on the ground writing in the dirt, One man said master what shall we do. Jesus spoke and said. He who is without sin cast the first stone. THEY ALL DROPPED THE STONES. The woman came to Jesus and said she was sorry. Jesus said daughter you are forgiven. GO AND SIN NO MORE.
You speak of being gay, and all what GAY people go through. I ask you to think about what I said above. The bible does list homosexual as being sinful, you say you were born this way. ok. do you have to practice it ? because GOD says go and sin no more. we all sin my friend. but Jesus being in us, we should have that knowledge of knowing what we do or not is bad or not. and that feeling is the Holy Spirit speaking truth to us. so if we feel it that it is bad but do it anyways then it is a sin. I Love the lord. I know he is gives grace to us to help us not sin. IF WE ASK. I had an uncle that died of aids. he was gay. what we do wrong comes back on us. that is punishment. what blessings we shall have if we do things right. I am not here to judge you. I am a sinner, we are suppose to ask Jesus to forgive us and don't do it again. practicing gay ways.. isn't that doing sin over and over again. YOU tell me. as for the poem. I LOVE IT BECAUSE YOU WROTE IT FROM YOUR HEART, AND IT IS TRUE. IN ALOT OF WAYS. One sin is like another. but only one of them is the right sin and that is the forgiven sin, covered by the blood of jesus. Once we ask jesus in our hearts and give him our lives. then we are saved by his blood. and NOT SUPPOSE TO SIN NO MORE. we do not perfect. BUT KNOWING YOUR SINNING AND DOING IT ANYWAYS THAT IS A SIN AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT. sorry so long. maybe you want to continue talking about it with me. Maybe you can teach me a thing or two. SOMETIMES PEOPLE'S MINDS ARE CLOSED TO THINGS. I am one of them.. do you have something to say to Open it up? sandy

Re: Judgement Day (User Rating: 1 )
by Former_Member on Friday, 2nd July 2004 @ 05:47:51 PM AEST
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i dunno how many ppl toes im steping on here but...
poetrygodslove...be quiet. i dont think the guy wants preaching to. thats whats the poems about.
oh and ur uncle died of aids. im sorry. he was gay u say? oh well he musta deserved it. tell me, if gods punishing homosexuality, how come straight ppl getting it? how come u hear storys of virgin girls, children, in africa being raped, cos theres a rumour that having sex with a virgin will rid u of the virus? is that gods will? im striaght by the way, case ur wondering, and i think that anyone who thinks that can go judging people without having a full and detailed understanding of who they are...blind, and a trouble to the world

Re: Judgement Day (User Rating: 1 )
by bj111 on Friday, 2nd July 2004 @ 06:10:51 PM AEST
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Perfetct. Your spirit in this is direct and to the point. You r who u r. I've known too many people who loved no one at all to criticize someone who can find a real affection for anyone. Love isn't about judgement...religious or otherwise.

Please keep writing. ....and thanx...bob

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