Vsa pričakovanja
Contributed by
Friday, 1st November 2002 @ 09:20:00 PM in AEST
Čeprav samo polju za okras odgnala nebu, kot itni klas, bi ljubezni neni v plamenu, veliko večja upanja podarjal, da venomer bi znova, sladka, epetanja tvoja, tiha zaelela.
Prebirala razsuta, zlata zrna, ljubezenske bi srkala tokove, če čas minljiv, le bil bi mil. Neskončno vse bi ponudila, a ta izlita svoja hrepenenja, zganila bi v najina ivljenja.
Kadar bo sneink milijarda poljube iz obraza mi izpilo, izgubljene vse slasti odkrilo. Naj svilnata me tvoja koa mehkeja je le majska roa, samo e ona nalahno boa.
Bil pravi bit ivljenja ritem, ta čas sanj bi nevsakdanjih naj, če jaz umirala bi zanje. Kljub temu moje potovanje ne bo grenko to spoznanje, ker moč čarobna bo rojena.
Naj daleč bil neznan nemir, a zvezd sijaj priel bi vame, e doivljala bi ta drhtenja. Ker v srcu shraniva kristale, tako krog le bil bi sklenjen, zato e svet postal bi večen.
In ne čula ptic bi frfotanja, ko plesoči veter bi podarjal svoje nezapete nama pesmi. Zbudila vseh naslad obljube pa v nove zlahka bi planila, če tako bi srečo si izpolnila.
e čenjev drevored bi vabil in vsa razkona debla nudil, da spomini bi izpisani ostali. Naj čas minute bi pretvarjal, se polegli nemirni bi viharji saj bi v naročju varno spala.
Iz meglic bi moja preobleka e v noč blestela samo zate, ko bila bi pravljična nevesta. Če e lokvanji bi vsi utonili, cvetje belo zame bi ohranili in prepletalo bi se v gladini.
Vsa odpirala nebes bi vrata, ko meni bi se ti nasmehnil, bi do tja vodila le ljubezen. Če prela vse bi preizkunje, od morja bi čutila valovanja, oba zdruila bi pričakovanja.
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2002-11-01 21:20:00] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Vsa pričakovanja
(User Rating: 1 ) by OreO on
Friday, 1st November 2002 @ 10:13:09 PM AEST (User
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Well SA_RA from what i can see
it seems as thought this is a pretty
language even though i cannot read it
but i can certainly tell you that spaceotter
was not trying to be an expert when he
spoke of pig latin, he was merely
responding to a forum that i created
Ease up a little
.::´¯`·..· OreO·..·´¯`::. |
Re: Vsa pričakovanja
(User Rating: 1 ) by OreO on
Friday, 1st November 2002 @ 10:20:37 PM AEST (User
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Oh i forgot to ask
since this is such a beautiful
language, perhaps you can
share with us what exactly it says?
Keep em' coming Sa_ra
.::´¯`·..· OreO·..·´¯`::. |
Re: Vsa pričakovanja
(User Rating: 1 ) by Daniela_Maria_Violin on
Friday, 1st November 2002 @ 11:16:07 PM AEST (User
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I know what language this is but unfortunately I can't read it... |
Re: Vsa pričakovanja
(User Rating: 1 ) by SA_RA on
Saturday, 2nd November 2002 @ 12:54:11 AM AEST (User
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Sometimes is some things for someboy fun but for somebody is not…and i know that you can't understood a poem i was submitted …but this is a whole point…and also, i'm too sad for argue and discuse about »pigs things«…..any way, thanks!
Re: Vsa pričakovanja
(User Rating: 1 ) by OreO on
Saturday, 2nd November 2002 @ 05:58:51 AM AEST (User
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Just dont take it to heart sara, no harm was meant in it at all, and if you must absolutely feel better to blame someone, blame me it was my forum , i started the whole pig latin thing. I don't think it's funny to make fun of another country or language but that was definately as i have said before already not our intention at all and you have been apologized to, i didnt see a need to try and humiliate someone like this on purpose when the apology was apparantly given to you from the heart. I will no longer argue with you about this matter, as i said your taking it out on the wrong person and if i offended you in any way as well i apologize, i hope you don't find it amusing to humiliate me to now. but if you do then ok. And sara you still haven't translated this poem, perhaps you could translate it and let us know what it says as i have said this language is pretty.
.::´¯`·..· OreO·..·´¯`::. |
Re: Vsa pričakovanja
(User Rating: 1 ) by SA_RA on
Saturday, 2nd November 2002 @ 09:47:25 AM AEST (User
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May be is spring up a little confussion....
I was read your apology...i'm sorry you think that i'm blaming you, cause i'm not!
It's sad me a lot, but not the words in forum was wrote...thats the poem spaceotter did write after that...I still think that I made my point with my poem in my language..if i am not...sorry than!
And sorry, i'm also not translate my poem...it will lost everything if i done this..to your knowing, it's just a love poem..very likeness yours, which i read coupple of hours ago.
Re: Vsa pričakovanja
(User Rating: 1 ) by OreO on
Saturday, 2nd November 2002 @ 10:14:11 AM AEST (User
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.::´¯`·..· OreO·..·´¯`::.
Re: Vsa pričakovanja
(User Rating: 1 ) by spaceotter on
Sunday, 3rd November 2002 @ 02:08:24 PM AEST (User
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I'll say it again, but only once. The coincedence of picking your country for my poem was just that coincedence. I meant no harm. I looked at my world map picked two countries and towns in those countries and included them in my forum reply and poem. If you think I'm trying to slight your country or people your wrong. Please don't take it that way.
I guess I could have made a country up, but it didn't seem right in the contex. I could have just as easily picked Nigeria, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Spain, Australia, United States, Norway, Italy, Germany, etc..
I'm not going to spend anymore time worrying about this. At first I was truly sorry about the problem, which I didn't quiet see, but now I'm just annoyed. If I had meant to slight your country, which I don't know much about, I would have had a solid reason and probably been more scathing about it. If you read my forum posts in some of the more heated forums, I'm not afraid to hold back. I'm also not very politically correct, which I guess in some weird way this falls under. I think political correctness is just a way of limiting speech.
Thank you,
Adam D Taylor |
Re: Vsa pričakovanja
(User Rating: 1 ) by SA_RA on
Monday, 4th November 2002 @ 04:59:07 AM AEST (User
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Whenever i do not know a thing, i don't not even talk about. Just say to you… till next time when you made another joke…just deep think to whom, to what, what for! To readily choose…. is very bad excuse….especially after that when damage is already done…..
I'm also political undefine..i'm also not a rasist…i like poeple when they are friendly…but every time when each of them say or write untruthulness words even bad thing about my country i will protest! Hope you understand, too!
I am not reading forum before…and even in to the future i am not intending to …I like this site, i like poems to read in it and that's is for me enough.
I am not entertain hatred against you…i was shocked at first..but with this poem i tray to tell you something (what? well, on that question you must figuered out of yourself).
Have a nice day!
Re: Vsa pričakovanja
(User Rating: 1 ) by OreO on
Monday, 4th November 2002 @ 02:04:04 PM AEST (User
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SA_RA i have three words for you
Have a nice day now!
.::´¯`·..· OreO·..·´¯`::.