Dis’ administration
Contributed by
Thursday, 26th August 2004 @ 12:14:50 PM in AEST
a disease, deceitful, deceiving disavowing and dismissing fact disconnected causing discomfort and disarray.
disingenuous, disheveled, disrespectful dishonest, disheartening
discriminatory, despicable disintegration of civil rights disfranchising disdainful of the disadvantaged a totally dysfunctional disaster
Disappointed? Disillusioned?
If you disagree and disapprove Dont let them disintegrate our freedoms Put on the disc brakes of this discomfort.
We can dismiss Bush on Nov.2. and make him disappear.
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2004-08-26 12:14:50] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Dis’ administration
(User Rating: 1 ) by DJ_The_Young_Grasshopper on
Thursday, 26th August 2004 @ 02:06:49 PM AEST (User
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Wow. I'd like to use this at a reading next month, if you don't mind.
Anyway, people are asking on here if Kerry would be any better, so I'm posting an earlier comment here:
We feel that Kerry is much better than Bush for a variety of reasons.
1. Bush has continued to provide large buisnesses tax incentives for outsourcing their jobs. Part of Kerry's economic plan is to keep these jobs in the U.S. by providing a tax cut to businesses who do not outsource their jobs to other countries.
2. Bush has sent soldiers like myself off to Iraq without proper body armor. Statistics show that 25% of the deaths that have occured in Iraq could have been prevented with the use of better body armor (that's nearly 250 troops). Some parents have actually had to buy their children body armor while they served in Iraq. Kerry has pledged to pay back these families the money that they have spent on the armor. I've actually heard people say that they don't want to spend their taxes on this. My response is to get out of my country. If you don't think I should get the best body armor to defend your freedom, I don't want to defend your freedom.
3. Millions of families under Bush have lost health care coverage due to the high costs of healthcare. John Kerry pledges that he will roll back the costs of premiums by up to $1,000 a year, reduce the cost of prescription drugs, and make health care affordable to all Americans.
4. Bush refuses to raise the minimum wage. Kerry says he will raise it to $7 a hour.
5. Bush was quoted as saying about bin Laden: "I don't know where he is. I am not that concerned about him." Vice Presidential candidate John Edwards, who served on the Senate Armed Services Commitee for Counter-Terrorism and has helped in the hunt for bin Laden long before 9/11 said about bin Laden: "We will destroy you."
6. The war in Iraq is the ONLY modern war in U.S. history where there have been post-war combat casualties. This is due to poor planning for the post-war on the part of the Bush administration. Changing horses midstream is a great idea, because this horse is sinking fast.
7. Bush only sent a few soldiers after bin Laden, and then took almost all resources away from him to concentrate on a country that had nothing to do with Al Queda or 9/11 (Iraq). Bush has refused to increase the intelligence budget beyond $40 million because he would have to roll back the tax cuts on the richest 1% of Americans to do it. Almost every counter-terrorism expert in the U.S. has said that America is now more vulnerable to a terrorist attack than it was on 9/10. Kerry has plans to increase funding to first responders (Bush has cut funding), better guard our ports and borders (Bush has done almost nothing about this until recently, and only to help him in an election year), further increase our intelligence capabilities, and create a civil defense corps similar to the ones used in WWII, in case of another terrorist attack.
Now you have seven reasons why Kerry would make a better President than Bush. |