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Thursday, 2nd September 2004 @ 12:40:39 PM in AEST
you said my poems were graphic but all i was doing was explaing feeling like i have been raped emotionally and physcally my one thing in life has been slit across the throat and taken away from me,forever i was only revealing myself to the worlds eyes and hope they would understand my pain and take it away by passing it on but because im desturbing and twisted you blanked it all out and open eyes couldnt see what they have blinked out so many times i thought i could have poetic liscence but all i can do is write happy poems and pretend the world is perfect but it isnt,not at all its discusting and vile and i spit at it its full of mistakes and ugliness and i can feel all the remorse gathering and i can sense the hate i dont want to live in a world were they make me feel so unloved and excluded i want to die and be happy for eternity just one smile would brighten my sins but since the world is twisted and depressed it drowns me into abuse and as the needles pump me with toxic im one more step closer to death than iam to be outcasted here....
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2004-09-02 12:40:39] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: graphic
(User Rating: 1 ) by deathdrop on
Thursday, 2nd September 2004 @ 12:51:37 PM AEST (User
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wow! another eye-opener. i think you're excellent at expresing your-self and the pain that you feel. despite whatothers think, feel or have to say. i know just how you feel as far as this goes and yourwritten it brilliantly! |
Re: graphic
(User Rating: 1 ) by afterdark on
Thursday, 2nd September 2004 @ 02:11:18 PM AEST (User
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another good poem here..Write what u want to write..Do not worry about what others here or anywhere think..Nobody should delete or edit another persons work..
AfterDark.. |
Re: graphic
(User Rating: 1 ) by pixie on
Thursday, 2nd September 2004 @ 02:37:34 PM AEST (User
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wow, hard hitting,and powerful
pixie xx |