Father Time...
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Monday, 13th September 2004 @ 06:32:00 PM in AEST
Time. Such a harsh and merciless friend... Wearing me down into nothing... I've always been nothing... A figment... A mirage to the living... Never to be seen... Never to be understood... Cold and spent, In this wasted world... All I can think when I see the ruin is, "What happened to Paradise?" "What happened to the land of promise and peace and love?" Everything is lost, Because of our carelessness, Because of our endless sins that we commit... And never have we in this life, ever wanted to repent... To be a child of God again... Evil has taken over once more... And we let it... We want it... And as our lives become even worse, Where we are being thrown to the floor, On the edge, venturing closer to our death's, A selfish end to our miserable lives, We still blame the Lord for our woes... Blinded by our own inconsideration, We do not realize that the reason for all of our suffering, Is we ourselves! God will not give you happiness, if you don't deserve it... God will not provide you strength, when you don't deserve it... So much sin and so much evil that we have committed, Why do we even deserve anything? God has given us so much, And yet, we hurl it back at Him... Complaining that this is not enough... I have finally, after 2 years, accepted Him into my life and heart, And I have repented, And I have realized that what He gives me, Is the most wonderful gift ever to receive... He will give us the worst strife, the worst situations, But we have to understand, There is always a lesson to be learned in them... Cherish your life and everything in it, Be it good or be it bad... Happiness will come forth with arms wide open, If only you embrace your Faith in the Lord... Then, and only then, will He hear your cries... Then He will provide strength... Then He will give you love... Time. It may be cruel, and ruthless at times, But it has taught me so much about myself, and the Lord... It has taught me to cherish every minute of my life as if it were going to end that very day... I have grown throughout this eternal thing called Time, And I have seen, and I have experienced... I accepted the Heavenly Father, And that has made all the difference...
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2004-09-13 18:32:00] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Father Time...
(User Rating: 1 ) by eyesxcriedxout1989 on
Monday, 13th September 2004 @ 08:45:27 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
Beautiful, beautiful poem, very awesome...I would also like to congatulate you on accepting the Lord into your heart. Remember, "Through Him, we can do all things." |
Re: Father Time...
(User Rating: 1 ) by Spazzo on
Thursday, 16th September 2004 @ 09:37:19 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
Outstanding. Congrajulations for expecting God into your heart. |