Pot Of Coffee
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Monday, 27th December 2004 @ 07:40:46 AM in AEST
Pot Of Coffee
My shoulders and bare arms uncovered Never could take heat Sticking out are my feet I stirr still in bed Itch the baldness of my head Scratchy eyes that still hold night vision Indesion Should I stay in bed or a new day discover Not thinking I just react I throw back my blankets into an unruly pile Still I linger for just awhile Another night spent like a heated cat This afternoon I shall take a nap God willing Wife isn't shilling I put my feet on the carpet track Hand in shorts I ajust my thing and scratch my behind My shirt is in the kitchen hanging on a back of a chair My pants hanging right there I got the coffee pot ready the night before I await quiver and shake ready to pour It seems like the coffee pot knowingly takes it's time I look out at the early morning midnight sky Stiff neck and achy back My sore shoulders hanging slack To the bath room for that morning dribble Awhile longer I will be feeling terrible A tinge of awakness I smell the coffee pots aroma I'm starting to come out of my night time coma After all I didn't die Sweetner and a little creamora that first coffee I pour Emencly enjoying Savering On the web I commit to writting a poem I do this many a morn The rising sun looks cold A shimmering band of gold Cool grey morning clouds with the softest touch of orange Another coffee and another I emptied the pot o'brother I scoop some grounds over the old Then fill the pot with water just so Just like that I feel awake A pot of coffee is all it takes Already its nine o'clock I hear my wife stiring around for her socks I didn't sleep for crap I hear her mutter
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2004-12-27 07:40:46] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Pot Of Coffee
(User Rating: 1 ) by Stoney1 on
Monday, 27th December 2004 @ 08:32:05 AM AEST (User
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Got a kick out of your poem, and I commiserate with the pitiful 'dribble'.
I also no longer get the youthful 'wood' in the morning and the immensely satisfying strong stream is now reduced to a dribble.
Just a note in passing, when I had to kick the coffee habit; I discovered that one is only supposed to have 2.5 cups of coffee per day.
I was like you, I drank a pot early in the morning before going to work and then had two or three cups at work. Found myself getting very jittery.
I definitely had a caffeine addiction. So I stopped cold turkey. Big mistake! Within 17 hours I developed such a horrendous headache that I thought the top of my head was coming off. Pain killers were ineffective.
Even when I discovered what was causing the headaches, I didn't take any caffeine. It just confirmed to me that I was badly addicted.
After several weeks, I kicked the habit and the headaches eventually went away. Now, I content myself with decafe. It's not bad.
If you ever decide to kick the addiction, I don't recommend going cold turkey. Go to a half-and-half blend for a month and then go to decafe. That way you can avoid the headaches.
You'll probably start sleeping better too. *g*