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Thursday, 13th January 2005 @ 08:20:34 PM in AEST
You didn't know How many of you were doing it Pointing a finger of all things Pointing at the elected one Where were you the party of morals You don't even know the meaning of is Is the doing of it GOP get off your high lorals too many of you had a mistress That my friend is iz isn't et Es iz what it is Is as it was Imorality Cheating lieing as you when you point a finger Forgeting three are pointing at the same cause Iz es good is is bad Es iz what it is His Misses understood The morals of the GOP The country felt so sad Good Old Ninkonpoops You will never know es iz what it iz Ask the populas throught the land children teens moms and pops
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2005-01-13 20:20:34] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Is
(User Rating: 1 ) by Former_Member on
Sunday, 19th February 2006 @ 05:32:26 PM AEST (User
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Then do we all sit around and also talk about Jesus being a hippy lol. both dems and reps .. we all need to rethink.. will the real honest party please stand up.. as the stories build.. complain as we may.. and the beat goes on.. left wing, right wing, we need two wings to fly.. well. conservative or liberal.. lets conserve on energy and liberally focus on God..who can guide the less powerful rulers.. think we need to forget about ourselves and look toward Him, sink or swim.. think we may shrink and dim... great poem ... God rules.. hugs.. raquelleah |