Losing her reality part 3
Contributed by
Tuesday, 18th January 2005 @ 10:59:39 AM in AEST
Memories as a child, As God’s child, She strayed away from her Lord, Part of her she ignored. Blocking out her past of her father, As she got older he became her anger. Calmed with age, Trying to act out her life on a stage. She shows quick scenes of her past, Whilst handling her feelings as an outcast. Never sexually or physically abused. But emotionally never was excused. Tormented by her father’s addictions. She just wants to reach her heavens. Asked her Lord for forgiveness, For now she feels anxious…
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2005-01-18 10:59:39] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Losing her reality part 3
(User Rating: 1 ) by emystar on
Tuesday, 18th January 2005 @ 11:07:40 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
Sad but keep writing as we know writting is healing.
Very good writing.
luv, huggs, strength,
emy |
Re: Losing her reality part 3
(User Rating: 1 ) by wolfman on
Tuesday, 18th January 2005 @ 04:36:50 PM AEST (User
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memores are the most devistating and the most up lifting of all things emotional, leaving God is a hard thing to do He dosent want you to but He wont force you to stay. Having any one harm you, not physicaly, or sexualy, but emotinaly is the most tramatic thing to have to try and live with. yes we do learn to cope with age but the pain is still there some of us do show others our pains but not at all straight forword that is why they dont see, we seek forgivnes but dont want it because of what we have to do to get it which causes anxioty which is one of the things that caused us to wind up in this situation.
again thank you. yes there is more here, but still there are things that I want to know about her, I do hope that she lears to cope with what she has gone throug. this one was as good as the others. please do tell us more, if youy can, read you later
wolfman |
Re: Losing her reality part 3
(User Rating: 1 ) by Mangs on
Wednesday, 19th January 2005 @ 09:26:40 AM AEST (User
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You're alive. Do something. The directive in life, the moral imperative is so uncomplicated. It can be expressed in single words, not complete sentences. It sounds like this: Look. Listen. Choose. Act
Love always,
Umang |
Re: Losing her reality part 3
(User Rating: 1 ) by XxXMcCathyXxX on
Sunday, 6th November 2005 @ 01:10:29 PM AEST (User
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Wow! I love it very emotional! its great |