14 year old prostitute
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Monday, 24th January 2005 @ 04:05:02 PM in AEST
tonight is your night, an evening of freedom, no sweating hot bodies in your bed, no more mental bleeding, no more men thrusting your undeveloped body beneath their own, just a night to cry in regret, a night to feel alone,
no rithing moments of false passion, no screams just from the skin deep, no money being passed beneath the coat, finally a night of sleep,
no red light shinning in your eyes, no more feelings of drain, no more dreaming and zoning out, no more feelings of tearing pain,
you can be by yourself now, you dont need to let go, you are just a girl of 14, you need to give yourself space to grow,
you need the money, your nearly on the street, but instead your father brings the men, the sexual perverts you never wished youd meet,
peadophiles infesting their hands over your little stick like body, groaping you were their hands should not be, elaine i send you my pride and heart, thank god it wasnt me...
put that dress behind your wardrobe, put that cash in a secret place, throw away the pregnancy test, your allowed to finally wipe that fake smile off of your face...
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2005-01-24 16:05:02] (Date/Time posted on