Children of tomorrow, see things of yesterday, looking at the future, where drug dealers lead the way, hand in hand they walk alone, with needles in there arms, Our children of tomorrow, still see things of yesterday,,,
How can we count on them, when we abuse the the love we have, showing them right from wrong, were still to high to see, to much smoke, to much Dope, is all we hope to see,, Our children of tomorrow, still see things of yesterday,,
If we take the children by the hand, and lead them all away, from the days of drug abuse, and many diiffrent ways,, Long forgotten these little ones, who look for loveing arms, Our children of tomorrow, STILL,,see things of yesterday,,
No time to show,,No time to care,, Our chance to give,, a love ,,Who cares? Just hand in hand, we walk alone, just me and the children, As far as we will go ,,A Love ,,A Life ,, it will be shown,,For we are the children of tomorrow,,,,, craig s. meeks
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2002-12-13 07:20:00] (Date/Time posted on