Letting You Breathe
Contributed by
Wednesday, 23rd February 2005 @ 02:34:19 PM in AEST
I am still feeling very frightened, My sense of insecurity has been heightened, When you arent standing right by my side, I feel like I just want to hide.
But I have to be strong for us to last, Thats the only thing of me youve asked, I love you & I hold you so dear, So I will now deal once & for all with my fear.
Itll be hard as we both know, But for us to breathe I have to let go, It has damaged too much of us already, Knocked us around, knocked us unsteady.
I was suffocating you but I didnt realise, I could not hear your muffled cries, As my needs were blocking those of yours, I was trying to trap you behind closed doors.
Keep you in my sight not let you leave, I was killing you not letting you breathe, I failed to see all this because I was too scared, To open my eyes & be selfless I wasnt prepared.
But now I am as I nearly lost you, Although I still want to stick just like glue, I will back off & give you your space, As from your heart I know our love you wont erase.
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... [
2005-02-23 14:34:19] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Letting You Breathe
(User Rating: 1 ) by BuTTerFly_LoVe on
Wednesday, 23rd February 2005 @ 03:47:39 PM AEST (User
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tHIS iS wEll wRitTeN i gIvE iT a 10 iF i CAn pixie yOu arE aN aMaZiNg wrItTer i REalLy eNjOy rEaDiNg you're poEmS vEry MuCh... kEeP uP tHe gREaT wOrK
P.s i loVE Although I still want to stick just like glue, I will back off a give you your space, As for your heart i know our love you won't erase. I LoVe ThaT PaRt
I HOpE wiT WaTeVer YoU aRe GOiNG ThRo One DaY it wILL aLL BE a MeMOrY ThaT You wiLL baCk To AnD laUgH BeCauSe In ThE lOnG RuN YoU wiLL oNe Day Be HaPPy..
Re: Letting You Breathe
(User Rating: 1 ) by Nazmythian on
Wednesday, 23rd February 2005 @ 07:05:47 PM AEST (User
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38 Special said it best ...
" Hold on loosely, but don't let go
If you cling too tightly you're gonna loose control "
Here for ya Pixie, anytime ... drop a note anytime ... I'll leave the light on ...
Nazzy ~ |
Re: Letting You Breathe
(User Rating: 1 ) by heartquake on
Wednesday, 23rd February 2005 @ 11:37:04 PM AEST (User
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i really liked the sense of unaware physical power that was in this poem, whether you ment it to be that way or not it was really great seeing it, i liked the whole sense of doing something that you weren't aware of doing i saw in the poem.... good job |
Re: Letting You Breathe
(User Rating: 1 ) by givingin on
Thursday, 24th February 2005 @ 10:02:03 AM AEST (User
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I'm glad you had these people to help you through your difficult time.
I'm sorry that you almost lost your love pixie.
I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you though.
Anywho, great write.
Re: Letting You Breathe
(User Rating: 1 ) by Dawny on
Thursday, 24th February 2005 @ 01:25:56 PM AEST (User
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Beautiful poem Pixie, and I will always be here...thats what friends are for xxx
Really happy you are feeling better
Love Dawny xxx |
Re: Letting You Breathe
(User Rating: 1 ) by lostinmyself on
Friday, 25th February 2005 @ 05:59:17 AM AEST (User
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Oh hunni...
I will always always be here for you...
I glad that things between you and Mark have worked out. I know you could get through this, you don't know how strong you really are...
Great write sweeties,
*hugs* Phil xxx |