A pretentious poem
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Thursday, 3rd March 2005 @ 05:51:37 PM in AEST
Visage transient as quick fall shadows Distraught cigarette stained hands Her malapropos stale beer exhalations Pretense cascades into irrevocable certainty
To Antaeus metamorphose, sweet veritas Stand aloft on our pillar of dreams Gaia renounce aspiration of renewal Afford impossible Poseidon tears
I hold her high with cold ichor veins Her mythic tower built on my foundation She will reflect Judas' intrepid geist Be loose in beautiful olive tree phantasm
Her iniquity will erode her fortitude Iron mask removed by imperious reflection She will feel discordant Bastille winters As she lay coitus with porcine adulterers
Virgil abandon her until the final judgement At the river Styx, under Plutus' sightless gaze Malebolge to cry out incogitable lamentations Or Cocytus, frozen in thoughts of her trechary
Mephistopheles will not appeal for her Her phantom the personification of her sin She fears to cry 'aequitas', this tocsin given; She cannot abide the works her hands have wrought
Autumn leaf thoughs admit Alciabades echo Twice her pledge given in unadorned oration Still I see her caustic duplicity erode Thrice in Peloponnesian allusion comes
Where will her allegience reveal itself Journey to Ithica effects introspection The sojourn beats hard against the unjust And the city will not yield to her riches
Not to I, as she has sewn the seeds of discord Reaped a desolate orchard, barren of fruit Ploughed salt through her earth-heart Scorns the spring-time fertility I avail
Through contemptuous Hieronymus Bosch visions She may yet find salvation from this reproof Or by undistorted mirror reflection, insight Not her twisted accounts of the soul of man
Does she remember her purple-cat halucination Her weeks locked high in fifth-floor asylum Incorporeal swarms of 'yellow jacket' wasps Tear stained cheeks as I mourned her sanity
By mendacious tales of remission without basis Hopeful bottles of expensive pills lay idle Toxic reasurance from false-prophet neighbors She falls deeper as her heart further calcifies
What prevarication brought turn to this wretch? That quiet young girl, who loved the rules too much Who grew into salient wholesale rebellions And perilously cursed the God of her childhood
Pastal memories of our years in beauty Burn brightly in my scotopic vision Of sulfer lakes that purge and blacken My torment stains as blood on her hands
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2005-03-03 17:51:37] (Date/Time posted on
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