My Eyes
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Thursday, 24th March 2005 @ 01:05:51 PM in AEST
What is it that we do not see? What is it that we forget so easily? What do we abuse so much and have so little of? What lesson will we learn from what we have and have not accomplished? What pain have we caused others and not even known it? What forgiveness will we not receive? What losses have we experienced and not known? Where are we truly headed? What happens when the mask is removed and your true self is revealed? What pain lies within? What wont we tell people? Lying to hide your self, to hide your pain, to hide your suffering? What do you think, people dont see what youre trying to hide from us when we can plainly see? Why fake what you cant? Hurt, pain, suffering, lost, destroyed, abused, used, mistreated, and forgotten. Unable to forget, unable to forgive, and unwilling to try. Its too late for many but not for some. U can try; while others knock u down, you can try to fight a loosing battle u know your not going to win. But at least u tried right? Its not good enough in the real world. People dont care, people lie to your face, and people are unpredictable unreliable. Why bother?? They lie because they dont want to hurt you, but not telling u the truth hurts u more. The ones that say they love u. The ones you think wont hurt you will .. People lie. Its human nature. Its in us, and lies make it go away Deny what we did, making it not happen. But it did u know it. Sorry should at least mean something.but Its doesnt fix anything, it never does and never will. Wearing that mask... Thinking no one doesnt notice but we do, we see your true self. Beneath that is what they really are a liar a cheat a bastard. Such sweet words to break your heart to stomp u into the ground and . Then nothing. T he world is such a lovely place isnt it?? We fight each other for everything. We are truly animals. We hurt, our youth not even knowing it. They see, they hear, and they remember, They are what carry on the future, They are what we hope will help the world and we have defiled them Defiled them so much. They have seen and heard things beyond there years which they dont and wont understand
But this is people for you, They use and abuse what they are given, thinking it will last forever but it wont... All things must come to an end. If not soon, then later. It will end and so will we and no technology will help that, Death is enable, forever. Respect what u have, be grateful enjoy the little things in life. Why must u be selfish?? Do stupid things to gain attention. Power and money make the world go round It also destroys what we have too. Greed is and overwhelming sin. Greed for money... Greed for power. Greed for immortally. Why must the media manipulate the world? And why must people believe what they hear? What right do other people have telling other people what to think NONE! We are our own person, with our own minds No one has the right to judge and label people for what they think u are. U dont know them! You have no right .. But this is the real world... A world of greed power, hate destruction, war. This is what life really is nothing but lies to our faces, people beating us down fighting for the top This is the world the youth will enter, This is the world we created.. Do u think the human race is the smartest being now???
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2005-03-24 13:05:51] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: My Eyes
(User Rating: 1 ) by FleurdeSang on
Thursday, 24th March 2005 @ 01:50:06 PM AEST (User
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GORGEOUS MA PETIT!!! So glad you have come to this site; WELCOME TO YPDC! I've read this god know's how many times... and it still leaves me speechless. Intense emotion, brilliant wisdom, and vivid anger! LOVE IT! I really hope you enjoy it here, ma petit. I've come to call it home... All my love, dearest friend of mine!! We shall talk soon. Flawless piece. Forever,
Your Ma Amie,
Stephy!! *huggles and love!* |