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Wednesday, 6th April 2005 @ 01:49:27 PM in AEST
A Passion pageantry was held with great solemnity Each year in Lent in Wiesenfeld, that Pilgrims came to see.
A mother brought her son with her to watch the pious play, And he in turn, had brought along, his friend this festive day.
Inseparable were these two, - Fritz and Pete Seligman, And Fritz cared not,- Lo! never knew, that he was Aryan.
Thus Fritz and Peter Seligman amidst the pilgrims stood To see with Mom and cousin Ann, the Lord pass with the rood.
The actors' cast were locals though some were from France,- Toulouse, Those hook-nosed swarthy had been picked to represent the Jews.
The pilgrims came from far and near to watch the pageantry, And pious confraternities kept waiting on their knee.
But finally they saw the Lord, beat up, with many a bruise, His face disfigured by the blows inficted by the Jews.
Fritzs mother clutched her Rosary, as the procession neared, Then noted the great oddity, Christ had god Odins beard.
His mothers soft and golden hair swayed gently in the wind, Resembling the Teutonic maid, fair tragic Sigelind.
Great music! - Wagner- now rang out,- the Goetterdaemmerung, The Twilight of the Gods that is, from the Ring of Niebelung.
And grieving Mary Magdalene, whose eyes with tears were filled, Seemed head-winged Aryan heroine, the Saga's fierce Brunhild.
Lo! Jesus wounded, bound and bruised, as captive now marched past, Brave Siegfried by the Jews abused, starred in the drama's cast!
And Peter suddenly looked wan, and kept a low profile, He felt looked through by Mom and Ann, their faces spleen and bile.
Now mom turned round with reddened face, that took on bluish hue, Recalling something - Oh disgrace! young Peter was a Jew.
And Peter, her son Fritzs friend, so faithful kind and true Would now be from her household banned, - found out to be a Jew.
And Fritz grew up with means wherewith to make his trumpet sound, But found no rest, nor joy and peace, by a Sibling's Shadow bound.
Ah Nazis sprang not suddenly from the Teutonic woods, But came from Christian families and had in them their roots.
They did not blow god Odin's horn, nor wielded Sigfried's sword, But were from pious mothers born, - have mercy on us Lord!.
By Providence a Pontiff came, His armor was the TRUTH He vindicated in God's name Praise God! AMEN~ - the Jews..
: Elizabeth Dandy
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2005-04-06 13:49:27] (Date/Time posted on
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(User Rating: 1 ) by Sinned on
Wednesday, 6th April 2005 @ 02:36:34 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
You are quite the poet and so educated. I loved this poem.
I don't understand all the history facts behind your thought,but I think I got the message of the poem. Great writing. I almost feel belittled. : ( not really you are just so talented. : ) |
(User Rating: 1 ) by Sinned on
Wednesday, 6th April 2005 @ 02:36:49 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
You are quite the poet and so educated. I loved this poem.
I don't understand all the history facts behind your thought,but I think I got the message of the poem. Great writing. I almost feel belittled. : ( not really you are just so talented. : )
Sinned |
(User Rating: 1 ) by emystar on
Wednesday, 6th April 2005 @ 08:31:08 PM AEST (User
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Another magical, great masterpeice my friend.
luv, huggs,
emy |
(User Rating: 1 ) by reflections on
Monday, 11th April 2005 @ 12:20:00 PM AEST (User
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A whimsical passion play seeming meant to cover the murder of millions of Jews, which was an affront to the rules of humanity in itself, and also a direct assault on Jesus, and Christianity (unless the blame for their actions could be seen as justifiable retaliation against Jews for their torture and death of Jesus who was actually Aryan by birth; so say they!).
Nothing throws the kinks into a truth, as does a well oiled lie set in motion by a clan of murdering liars with zealous support from a nation already brought to it’s knees by it’s own countrymen. Repetition fine tunes a lie into a movement. A movement destroys a lot of good people before collapsing inward and eventually consuming itself.
A true story that few would tackle these days. My father was born in a rural region of Germany, and would much have enjoyed this story if he were still alive. Wonderful job Elizabeth.
(User Rating: 1 ) by lovingcritters on
Sunday, 1st May 2005 @ 06:30:15 PM AEST (User
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oh ED how very tragic! I was amazed by a book I read just yesterday. It's called "Give Me Liberty, and the Author is speaking of the abuse this country inflicted upon the black people.......then goes into more detail about the Nazi regime. I was appalled when he documented the involment of the Cathoic Pope and Church itself. Showing a picture of the Pope shaking hands with Hitler himself.
Like you said, "The Truth will out!" and the black people of this country were treated so montrously just because of the color of their skin, one out of every three the white man brought from Africa, died in the bowels of the ships they came on! Washington, Jefferson, the statesmen of this country all had slaves, and yet they agreed to sign the declaration "All men are created equal!" Such Hypocrisy.........and Truth will out!
Good for you ED to bring these atrocities to light not just for your readers, but for Histories sake!
You did a marvelous job.
Keep up the good workj
Warm Love
consue |