Is This a Test?
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Sunday, 22nd May 2005 @ 04:01:37 AM in AEST
Is This a Test? May 21, 2005
It only takes one hard spot to shake your comfort, And make you question what you thought you knew. Well did you? Tasks and trials you've got to get through, Are glimpses into how you'll do. The real test comes when least expected, Knocks you to your knees and waits to see, If you can stand on your own again. Maybe you've been lied to, and then what happens? You no longer know what is true, Or how to recover--move on, or make amends? The correct decision comes from the heart, The unselfish, jealous free, loving part. Maybe you've experienced a death, a loss in your life, How you react is your response to the test. Being thankful for time at all, or sulking in your own strife- From there you'll know the rest. Maybe you've been disappointed one too many times, And on the verge of giving up all hope. Turning your misery into a life lived optimistically, Will surely help you cope. Seems like every turn of your life has been a test, Whether or not you really know what's best. The answers are never correct, never wrong. But there to show that life is for learning, Preparing for a lifetime of becoming strong.
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2005-05-22 04:01:37] (Date/Time posted on
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